Jan 31, 2013 11:27 a.m. — Legislation Coming Up
H.R. 444: Require a PLAN Act
This bill has been added to the House’s schedule for the coming week, according to the House Majority Leader. See the week ahead.
Last Action: This bill passed in the House on February 6, 2013 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.
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Legislation Coming Up.
Jan 31, 2013 3:39 p.m. — Legislation Coming Up
H.R. 297: Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2013
This bill has been added to the House’s schedule for the coming week, according to the House Majority Leader. See the week ahead.
Last Action: This bill passed in the House on February 4, 2013 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.
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Legislation Coming Up.
Jan 31, 2013 3:42 p.m. — Legislation Coming Up
H.R. 235: Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act of 2013
This bill has been added to the House’s schedule for the coming week, according to the House Majority Leader. See the week ahead.
Last Action: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
Last Action: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
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Jan 31, 2013 3:42 p.m. — Legislation Coming Up
H.R. 225: National Pediatric Research Network Act of 2013
This bill has been added to the House’s schedule for the coming week, according to the House Majority Leader. See the week ahead.
Last Action: This bill passed in the House on February 4, 2013 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.
Last Action: This bill passed in the House on February 4, 2013 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.
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Legislation Coming Up.
Feb 04, 2013 — Signed by the President
H.R. 325: To ensure the complete and timely payment of the obligations of the United States Government until May 19, 2013, and for other purposes.
Last Action: Became Public Law No: 113-3.
Explanation: This bill was enacted after being signed by the President on February 4, 2013.
Explanation: This bill was enacted after being signed by the President on February 4, 2013.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Reported by Committee
S. 204: A bill to preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
Last Action: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 11.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Reported by Committee
S. 201: A bill to prohibit the sale, lease, transfer, retransfer, or delivery of F-16 aircraft, M1 tanks, or certain other defense articles or services to the Government of Egypt.
Last Action: Read the second time. Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 10.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 454: To designate the medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs located at 3900 Woodland Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the “Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center”.
Sponsor: Rep. Chaka Fattah [D-PA2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 458: Fallen Heroes Family Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa [R-CA49]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 469: To reduce the heat island effect and associated ground level ozone pollution from Federal facilities.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 489: To expand the HUBZone program for communities affected by base realignment and closure, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Chellie Pingree [D-ME1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 214: A bill to prohibit brand name drug companies from compensating generic drug companies to delay the entry of a generic drug into the market.
Sponsor: Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 455: To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to direct certain coeducational elementary and secondary schools to make available information on equality in school athletic programs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Louise Slaughter [D-NY25]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 463: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to reform the provisions relating to status under section 101(a)(15)(U) of that Act.
Sponsor: Rep. Diane Black [R-TN6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 211: A bill to amend certain definitions contained in the Provo River Project Transfer Act for purposes of clarifying certain property descriptions, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 217: A bill to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to require the Secretary of Education to collect information from coeducational elementary schools and secondary schools on such schools’ athletic programs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 213: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on telephone and other communication services.
Sponsor: Sen. Dean Heller [R-NV]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 453: Investment Savings Access After Catastrophes Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Cassidy [R-LA6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 51: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that adding art and design into Federal programs that target the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields encourages innovation and economic growth in the United States
Sponsor: Rep. James “Jim” Langevin [D-RI2]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 464: To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to reduce the limit on the amount of certain contributions which may be made to a candidate with respect to an election for Federal office.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 480: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to disallow a deduction for amounts paid or incurred by a responsible party relating to a discharge of oil.
Sponsor: Rep. Alcee Hastings [D-FL20]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 225: A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study of alternatives for commemorating and interpreting the role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early years of the National Parks, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 467: To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to redistribute Federal funds that would otherwise be made available to States that do not provide for the Medicaid expansion in accordance with the Affordable Care Act to those States electing to pr
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 481: To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to accept certain documents as proof of service in determining the eligibility of an individual to receive amounts from the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Joseph Heck [R-NV3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 468: To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide that payments under the Federal employees’ group life insurance program shall be made in a lump sum, unless the insured or the recipient elects otherwise.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 208: A bill to require the Federal Aviation Administration to prescribe regulations to reduce helicopter noise pollution in residential areas in Los Angeles County, California.
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 223: A bill to amend section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to modify the visa waiver program, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Barbara Mikulski [D-MD]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 479: To prohibit the transfer of defense articles and defense services to the governments of foreign countries that are engaging in gross violations of internationally-recognized human rights, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 466: To amend title II of the Social Security Act to prohibit the Commissioner of Social Security from publishing the social security numbers of deceased individuals in the Death Master File, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 482: To prevent harassment at institutions of higher education, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Rush Holt [D-NJ12]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 219: A bill to establish the Susquehanna Gateway National Heritage Area in the State of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Robert “Bob” Casey [D-PA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 472: To reduce Federal expenditures associated with data center real estate and electricity consumption, to implement savings reductions proposed by Federal employees, to reduce energy costs across Federal Executive agencies, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 460: Patients’ Access to Treatments Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. David McKinley [R-WV1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 487: To provide for a Medicare primary care graduate medical education pilot project in order to improve access to the primary care workforce.
Sponsor: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R-WA5]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 227: Embassy Security Funds Transfer Act of 2013
Sponsor: Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 218: A bill to ensure that amounts credited to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund are used for harbor maintenance.
Sponsor: Sen. Carl Levin [D-MI]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 492: To amend the Federal Reserve Act to remove the mandate on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee to focus on maximum employment.
Sponsor: Rep. Marlin Stutzman [R-IN3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 476: GAAP Act
Sponsor: Rep. Phil Gingrey [R-GA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 478: E-Verify Modernization Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Phil Gingrey [R-GA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 459: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to promote innovation, investment, and research in the United States, to eliminate the diversity immigrant program, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa [R-CA49]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 484: To recognize a primary measure of national unemployment for purposes of the Federal Government.
Sponsor: Rep. Duncan Hunter [R-CA50]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 216: A bill to prevent harassment at institutions of higher education, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Frank Lautenberg [D-NJ]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 221: A bill to amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to permit eligible fishermen to approve certain limited access privilege programs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R-NH]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 222: A bill to amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to clarify that uncertified States and Indian tribes have the authority to use certain payments for certain noncoal reclamation projects and acid mine remediation programs.
Sponsor: Sen. Tom Udall [D-NM]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 209: A bill to require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Rand Paul [R-KY]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Introduced Bills and Resolutions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.Con.Res. 11: Providing for a joint session of Congress to receive a message from the President.
Sponsor: Rep. John Culberson [R-TX7]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 462: Utah National Guard Readiness Act
Sponsor: Rep. Rob Bishop [R-UT1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 457: Criminal Alien Accountability Act
Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa [R-CA49]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 212: A bill to approve the transfer of Yellow Creek Port properties in Iuka, Mississippi.
Sponsor: Sen. Thad Cochran [R-MS]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 470: To improve the efficiency of Federal Executive Boards to enhance the coordination, economy, and effectiveness of Federal agency activities, including emergency preparedness and continuity of operations, in geographic areas outside the Washington
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
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Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 215: A bill to ensure that the Federal Reserve conducts its policies to ensure long-term price stability and a low rate of inflation.
Sponsor: Sen. Bob Corker [R-TN]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 48: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1
Sponsor: Rep. Rob Woodall [R-GA7]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 465: To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit the conversion of leadership PAC funds to personal use.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 50: Expressing support for designation of February 4, 2013, as National Cancer Prevention Day.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY3]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 491: Global Online Freedom Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher “Chris” Smith [R-NJ4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 473: To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act with respect to the qualification of the director of food services of a Medicare skilled nursing facility or a Medicaid nursing facility.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 485: To establish the position of National Nurse for Public Health, to be filled by the same individual serving as the Chief Nurse Officer of the Public Health Service.
Sponsor: Rep. Eddie Johnson [D-TX30]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 475: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to include vaccines against seasonal influenza within the definition of taxable vaccines.
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Gerlach [R-PA6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 226: A bill to amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to provide leave because of the death of a son or daughter.
Sponsor: Sen. Jon Tester [D-MT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 486: To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to incentivize the development of abuse-deterrent drugs.
Sponsor: Rep. William Keating [D-MA9]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 471: To provide for the more accurate computation of retirement benefits for certain firefighters employed by the Federal Government.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 210: A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to fraudulent representations about having received military declarations or medals.
Sponsor: Sen. Dean Heller [R-NV]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 474: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against income tax for qualified conservation contributions which include National Scenic Trails.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 452: Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY12]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 461: To amend title 5, United States Code, to increase the maximum age limit for an original appointment to a position as a Federal law enforcement officer in the case of any individual who has been discharged or released from active duty in the Arme
Sponsor: Rep. Rob Bishop [R-UT1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 490: To amend section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to modify the visa waiver program, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Quigley [D-IL5]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 477: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to make changes related to family-sponsored immigrants and to reduce the number of such immigrants, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Phil Gingrey [R-GA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 49: Recognizing the significance of Black History Month.
Sponsor: Rep. Al Green [D-TX9]
This resolution is in the first
stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on
February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 483: To repeal the Federal estate and gift taxes.
Sponsor: Rep. Richard Hudson [R-NC8]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 488: To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to clarify that uncertified States and Indian tribes have the authority to use certain payments for certain noncoal reclamation projects.
Sponsor: Rep. Stevan “Steve” Pearce [R-NM2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 220: A bill to create a Citrus Disease Research and Developing Trust Fund to support research on diseases impacting the citrus industry, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bill Nelson [D-FL]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 228: A bill to establish the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area.
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 456: Los Angeles Residential Helicopter Noise Relief Act of 2013
Sponsor: Rep. Adam Schiff [D-CA28]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Introduced
S. 224: A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to establish a grant program to support the restoration of San Francisco Bay.
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 4, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
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Feb 04, 2013 5:31 p.m. — Vote
On the Motion to Proceed S. 47
Motion to Proceed Agreed to 85/8
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]: Yea
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Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT],
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Reported by Committee
H.R. 267: Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013
Last Action: Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 4.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 — Reported by Committee
H.R. 316: Collinsville Renewable Energy Promotion Act
Last Action: Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 5.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
Explanation: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or Senate as a whole for consideration on February 4, 2013.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 04, 2013 6:53 p.m. — Vote
H.R. 225: National Pediatric Research Network Act of 2013 (On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass)
Passed 375/27
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Yea
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Yea
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 04, 2013 7:02 p.m. — Vote
H.R. 297: Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2013 (On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass)
Passed 352/50
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Yea
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Yea
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Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions,
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 510: To amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to make improvements to the individualized education program under that Act and facilitate the transition of children with disabilities to adulthood, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Gregg Harper [R-MS3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 495: To make the Internal Revenue Service Free File Program permanent.
Sponsor: Rep. Peter Roskam [R-IL6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 53: Electing Members to a standing committee of the House of Representatives.
Sponsor: Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R-WA5]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 496: To require amounts remaining in Members’ representational allowances at the end of a fiscal year to be used for deficit reduction or to reduce the Federal debt, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Dave Camp [R-MI4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 514: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow individuals to designate overpayments of income tax for disaster relief.
Sponsor: Rep. Alcee Hastings [D-FL20]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 493: To prohibit funds appropriated for the Department of Homeland Security from being used to pay for an abortion, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Huizenga [R-MI2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 512: To encourage students from American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the United States Virgin Islands to become civically engaged through local and Federal government fellowships.
Sponsor: Del. Gregorio Sablan [D-MP0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 506: To amend title 18, United States Code, to strengthen enforcement of spousal court-ordered property distributions, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Cohen [D-TN9]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 508: To extend the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program for five years.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Grimm [R-NY11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 517: To provide that 4 of the 12 weeks of parental leave made available to a Federal employee shall be paid leave, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY12]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 502: To create an electronic employment eligibility verification system to ensure that all workers in the United States are legally able to work, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Peter DeFazio [D-OR4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 520: To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study of alternatives for commemorating and interpreting the role of the Buffalo Soldiers in the early years of the National Parks, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA14]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 494: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a reduced rate of excise tax on beer produced domestically by certain qualifying producers.
Sponsor: Rep. Jim Gerlach [R-PA6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 52: Electing Members to a certain standing committee of the House of Representatives.
Sponsor: Rep. Xavier Becerra [D-CA34]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 54: Observing the 100th birthday of civil rights icon Rosa Parks and commemorating her legacy.
Sponsor: Rep. John Conyers [D-MI13]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 503: To authorize the National Desert Storm Memorial Association to establish the National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial as a commemorative work in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. David Roe [R-TN1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 515: To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to provide leave because of the death of a son or daughter.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 509: To amend the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to authorize grants for the transition of youths with significant disabilities to adulthood, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Gregg Harper [R-MS3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 504: To save at least $10,000,000,000 by consolidating some duplicative and overlapping Government programs.
Sponsor: Rep. John Culberson [R-TX7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 513: To establish the Harriet Tubman National Historical Park in Auburn, New York, and the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties, Maryland, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Andy Harris [R-MD1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 511: To amend the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 to provide assistance to States for development and implementation of an individual transition plan for each individual with a developmental disability in the Stat
Sponsor: Rep. Gregg Harper [R-MS3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 497: To allow that certain Federal job training and career education programs give priority to programs that lead to recognized postsecondary credentials.
Sponsor: Rep. Lou Barletta [R-PA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 500: To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for an option for any citizen or permanent resident of the United States to buy into Medicare.
Sponsor: Rep. Alan Grayson [D-FL9]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 55: Honoring the life of Trayvon Martin, urging the repeal of Stand Your Ground laws, and calling on the United States Government to address the crisis of racial profiling.
Sponsor: Rep. Frederica Wilson [D-FL24]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 507: To provide for the conveyance of certain land inholdings owned by the United States to the Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 516: To extend the payroll tax reduction.
Sponsor: Rep. Daniel Maffei [D-NY24]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 499: To decriminalize marijuana at the Federal level, to leave to the States a power to regulate marijuana that is similar to the power they have to regulate alcohol, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Jared Polis [D-CO2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 518: To amend the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991 for the purposes of extending the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991 through 2018, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Edward “Ed” Markey [D-MA5]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 519: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to promote family unity, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY10]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 498: To provide for programs and activities with respect to the prevention of underage drinking.
Sponsor: Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA40]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 501: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the taxation of marijuana, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 05, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 505: To repeal sequester while achieving balance in deficit reduction between revenue and cuts, and between non-defense cuts and defense cuts, to invest in job creation, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Keith Ellison [D-MN5]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 5, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 05, 2013 2:30 p.m. — Vote
On Ordering the Previous Question: H RES 48 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved
Passed 229/188
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Nay
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Nay
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 05, 2013 2:40 p.m. — Vote
H.Res. 48: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 444) to require ... (On the Resolution)
Passed 228/189
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
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Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions,
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 564: To amend title V of the Social Security Act to extend funding for family-to-family health information centers to help families of children with disabilities or special health care needs make informed choices about health care for their children.
Sponsor: Rep. Frank Pallone [D-NJ6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 525: To amend the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marihuana, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 573: To amend Public Law 93-435 with respect to the Northern Mariana Islands, providing parity with Guam, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.
Sponsor: Del. Gregorio Sablan [D-MP0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 535: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the Build America Bonds program.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 533: To provide authorities for the appropriate conversion of temporary seasonal wildland firefighters and other temporary seasonal employees in Federal land management agencies who perform regularly recurring seasonal work to permanent seasonal posi
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 57: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that in order to continue aggressive growth in the Nation’s telecommunications and technology industries, the United States Government should “Get Out of the Way and Stay Out of the Way”.
Sponsor: Rep. Robert Latta [R-OH5]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 578: To allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms.
Sponsor: Rep. Marlin Stutzman [R-IN3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 561: To amend the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act to provide further clarity for institutions of higher education, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Patrick Meehan [R-PA7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 548: To restore growth, spur job creation, build momentum toward economic recovery for border communities and the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 560: To establish the Rio Grande del Norte National Conservation Area in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Ben Luján [D-NM3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 571: To suspend United States assistance to Brazil until such time as Brazil amends its laws to remove the prohibition on extradition of nationals of Brazil to other countries.
Sponsor: Rep. Tim Ryan [D-OH13]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.J.Res. 24: Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Sponsor: Rep. Justin Amash [R-MI3]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 553: To designate the exclusive economic zone of the United States as the “Ronald Wilson Reagan Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States”.
Sponsor: Rep. Darrell Issa [R-CA49]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 574: To amend part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to reform Medicare payment for physicians’ services by eliminating the sustainable growth rate system and providing incentives for the adoption of innovative payment and delivery models t
Sponsor: Rep. Allyson Schwartz [D-PA13]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 541: PREEMIE Reauthorization Act
Sponsor: Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 527: To amend the Helium Act to complete the privatization of the Federal helium reserve in a competitive market fashion that ensures stability in the helium markets while protecting the interests of American taxpayers, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Doc Hastings [R-WA4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 572: To suspend the issuance of visas to nationals of Brazil until such time as Brazil amends its laws to remove the prohibition on extradition of nationals of Brazil to other countries.
Sponsor: Rep. Tim Ryan [D-OH13]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 576: To save endangered species.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Stockman [R-TX36]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 58: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that any comprehensive plan to reform our national energy policy must promote the expanded use of renewable and alternative energy sources; increase our domestic refining capacity; promote co
Sponsor: Rep. Robert Latta [R-OH5]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 582: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the individual and employer health insurance mandates.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Turner [R-OH10]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 587: To authorize the establishment of the Niblack and Bokan Mountain mining area road corridors in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Don Young [R-AK0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 523: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on medical devices.
Sponsor: Rep. Erik Paulsen [R-MN3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 586: To provide for certain improvements to the Denali National Park and Preserve in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Don Young [R-AK0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 581: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt certain emergency medical devices from the excise tax on medical devices, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Turner [R-OH10]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 61: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should work with the Government of Haiti to address gender-based violence against women and children.
Sponsor: Rep. Frederica Wilson [D-FL24]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 543: To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify presumptions relating to the exposure of certain veterans who served in the vicinity of the Republic of Vietnam, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher Gibson [R-NY19]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 60: Expressing support for designation of the week of February 4 through February 8, 2013, as “National School Counseling Week”.
Sponsor: Rep. Linda Sánchez [D-CA38]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 575: To express the sense of the Congress that the United States should not adopt any treaty that poses a threat to national sovereignty or abridges any rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution, such as the right to keep and bear arms, and
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Stockman [R-TX36]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 585: To provide for the unencumbering of title to non-Federal land owned by the city of Anchorage, Alaska, for purposes of economic development by conveyance of the Federal reversion interest to the City.
Sponsor: Rep. Don Young [R-AK0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 56: Celebrating the life of President Ronald Wilson Reagan on the anniversary of his birth.
Sponsor: Rep. Trent Franks [R-AZ8]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It
was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 556: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require individuals to include their social security numbers on the income tax return as a condition of claiming the refundable portion of the child tax credit, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Sam Johnson [R-TX3]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 530: To establish the Independent Government Waste Reduction Board.
Sponsor: Rep. Cheri Bustos [D-IL17]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 537: To prohibit employers and certain other entities from requiring or requesting that employees and certain other individuals provide a user name, password, or other means for accessing a personal account on any social networking website.
Sponsor: Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 588: To provide for donor contribution acknowledgments to be displayed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Visitor Center, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Don Young [R-AK0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 569: To increase, effective as of December 1, 2013, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled veterans, and for other purpos
Sponsor: Rep. Jon Runyan [R-NJ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 526: To place a moratorium on permitting for mountaintop removal coal mining until health studies are conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. John Yarmuth [D-KY3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 524: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency does not have the authority to disapprove a permit after it has been issued by the Secretary of the Army under section 404
Sponsor: Rep. David McKinley [R-WV1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 565: To amend title III of the Public Health Service Act to authorize and support the creation of cardiomyopathy education, awareness, and risk assessment materials and resources by the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Centers for D
Sponsor: Rep. Frank Pallone [D-NJ6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 570: To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for annual cost-of-living adjustments to be made automatically by law each year in the rates of disability compensation for veterans with service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependenc
Sponsor: Rep. Jon Runyan [R-NJ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 545: To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to create an adjustment to the discretionary spending limits for appropriations for emergency job creation.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 544: To amend title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act to change the permissible age variation in health insurance premium rates.
Sponsor: Rep. Phil Gingrey [R-GA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 555: To amend the Mineral Leasing Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct onshore oil and gas lease sales through Internet-based live lease sales, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Johnson [R-OH6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 550: To amend the renewable fuel program under section 211(o) of the Clean Air Act to require the cellulosic biofuel requirement to be based on actual production.
Sponsor: Rep. Gregg Harper [R-MS3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 552: To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure that the South Texas Veterans Affairs Health Care Center in Harlingen, Texas, includes a full-service Department of Veterans Affairs inpatient health care facility.
Sponsor: Rep. Rubén Hinojosa [D-TX15]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 540: To amend the National Energy Conservation Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to promote energy efficiency via information and computing technologies, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 558: To provide Capitol-flown flags to the immediate family of fire fighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, and other rescue workers who are killed in the line of duty.
Sponsor: Rep. Peter “Pete” King [R-NY2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 549: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the creation of policyholder disaster protection funds, Catastrophe Savings Accounts, and tax credits for natural disaster mitigation expenditures.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Grimm [R-NY11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 591: For the relief of Edi Orlando Garcia Armas.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Pastor [D-AZ7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 577: To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the conditions under which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated mentally incompetent for certain purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Stockman [R-TX36]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 579: To designate the United States courthouse located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mississippi, as the “R. Jess Brown United States Courthouse”.
Sponsor: Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 562: To provide for a three-month extension of the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 547: To provide for the establishment of a border protection strategy for the international land borders of the United States, to address the ecological and environmental impacts of border security infrastructure, measures, and activities along the i
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 567: To amend the Social Security Act to replace the Medicaid program and the Children’s Health Insurance program with a block grant to the States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Todd Rokita [R-IN4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 554: To provide relief to homeowners affected by Superstorm Sandy who have mortgages insured by the FHA, or owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries [D-NY8]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 528: To prohibit foreign assistance to countries with a gross domestic product of $1,500,000,000,000 or more.
Sponsor: Rep. Larry Bucshon [R-IN8]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 534: To establish the National Commission on Intergovernmental Relations to facilitate the fullest cooperation and coordination between all levels of government.
Sponsor: Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 557: To prevent certain individuals purportedly appointed to the National Labor Relations Board from receiving salaries, and to prevent an unconstitutional quorum of the Board from taking agency actions, until there is a final decision in pending law
Sponsor: Rep. Mike Kelly [R-PA3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 538: To protect the Nation’s law enforcement officers by banning the Five-seveN Pistol and 5.7 x 28mm SS190, SS192, SS195LF, SS196, and SS197 cartridges, testing handguns and ammunition for capability to penetrate body armor, and prohibiting the manu
Sponsor: Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 539: To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to authorize a bipartisan majority of Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission to hold nonpublic collaborative discussions, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 563: To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish a grant program to fund additional school social workers and retain school social workers already employed in high-need local educational agencies.
Sponsor: Rep. Gwen Moore [D-WI4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 532: To amend title 11 of the United States Code to modify the dischargeability of debts for certain educational payments and loans.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Cohen [D-TN9]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 522: To reduce a portion of the annual pay of Members of Congress for the failure to adopt a concurrent resolution on the budget which does not provide for a balanced budget, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Steve Daines [R-MT0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 546: To amend the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to prepare individuals with multiple barriers to employment to enter the workforce by providing such individuals with support services, job training, and education, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 536: To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants for recruiting, training, and retaining individuals, with a preference for individuals from underrepresented groups, as teachers a
Sponsor: Rep. Susan Davis [D-CA53]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 542: To limit restrictions on deer hunting within the Kisatchie National Forest.
Sponsor: Rep. John Fleming [R-LA4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.Res. 59: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
Sponsor: Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA13]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 559: To reduce by 5 percent the discretionary budget authority of any Federal agency for a fiscal year if the financial statement of the agency for the previous fiscal year does not receive a qualified or unqualified audit opinion by an external inde
Sponsor: Rep. Barbara Lee [D-CA13]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 590: For the relief of Nery Antonio Velasquez-Roblero.
Sponsor: Rep. Ed Pastor [D-AZ7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 551: To authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to support early college high schools and other dual enrollment programs.
Sponsor: Rep. Rubén Hinojosa [D-TX15]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 584: To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require labeling of genetically engineered fish.
Sponsor: Rep. Don Young [R-AK0]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 521: To award grants to encourage State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools to utilize technology to improve student achievement and college-and-career readiness, the skills of teachers and school leaders, and the efficiency
Sponsor: Rep. George Miller [D-CA11]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 589: To amend the National Organ Transplant Act to prevent the sale of bone marrow and umbilical cord blood, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. W. Bill Young [R-FL13]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 583: To enhance the safety of ports of entry in the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Filemon Vela [D-TX34]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.J.Res. 25: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to clarify the authority of Congress and the States to regulate the expenditure of funds for political activity by corporations.
Sponsor: Rep. Donna Edwards [D-MD4]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 566: To amend title IV of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to provide for a guarantee by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for qualified preretirement survivor annuities under insolvent or terminated multiemployer pension pl
Sponsor: Rep. Thomas “Tom” Petri [R-WI6]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 580: To enhance the energy security of United States allies, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Turner [R-OH10]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 531: To prevent identity theft and tax crimes.
Sponsor: Rep. Kathy Castor [D-FL14]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 568: To amend title 5, United States Code, to require that the Office of Personnel Management submit an annual report to Congress relating to the use of official time by Federal employees.
Sponsor: Rep. Dennis Ross [R-FL15]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 06, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 529: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow certain individuals a credit against income tax for contributions to 529 plans, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Lynn Jenkins [R-KS2]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 6, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 06, 2013 11:22 a.m. — Vote
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 1 to H R 444
Failed 194/228
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Aye
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Aye
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 06, 2013 11:27 a.m. — Vote
On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 2 to H R 444
Failed 75/348
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 06, 2013 11:52 a.m. — Vote
On Motion to Recommit with Instructions: H R 444 To require that, if the President’s fiscal year 2014 budget does not achieve balance in a fiscal year covered by such budget, the President shall submit a supplemental unified budget by April 1, 2013, which identifies a fiscal year in which balance is achieved, and for other purposes
Failed 194/229
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Aye
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: Aye
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 06, 2013 11:58 a.m. — Vote
H.R. 444: Require a PLAN Act (On Passage of the Bill)
Passed 253/167
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]: No
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Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2].
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 254: A bill to amend title III of the Public Health Service Act to authorize and support the creation of cardiomyopathy education, awareness, and risk assessment materials and resources by the Secretary of Health and Human Services through the Centers
Sponsor: Sen. Robert “Bob” Menéndez [D-NJ]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 239: A bill to extend the frontier extended stay clinic demonstration.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 260: A bill to require the collection of data by officers enforcing immigration law and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 229: A bill to designate the medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs located at 3900 Woodland Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the “Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center”.
Sponsor: Sen. Patrick “Pat” Toomey [R-PA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S.Res. 26: A resolution recognizing that access to hospitals and other health care providers for patients in rural areas of the United States is essential to the survival and success of communities in the United States.
Sponsor: Sen. Jerry Moran [R-KS]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 242: A bill to reauthorize certain programs under the Public Health Service Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to public health security and all-hazards preparedness and response, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Richard Burr [R-NC]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 251: A bill to amend the renewable fuel program under section 211(o) of the Clean Air Act to require the cellulosic biofuel requirement to be based on actual production.
Sponsor: Sen. Jeff Flake [R-AZ]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 245: A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to authorize a bipartisan majority of Commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission to hold nonpublic collaborative discussions, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Amy Klobuchar [D-MN]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 234: A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to permit certain retired members of the uniformed services who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability
Sponsor: Sen. Harry Reid [D-NV]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 259: A bill to assure equity in contracting between the Federal Government and small business concerns, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Tom Udall [D-NM]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 235: A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property located in Anchorage, Alaska, from the United States to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 255: A bill to withdraw certain Federal land and interests in that land from location, entry, and patent under the mining laws and disposition under the mineral and geothermal leasing laws.
Sponsor: Sen. Max Baucus [D-MT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S.Res. 27: A resolution designating the week of February 4 through 8, 2013, as “National School Counseling Week”.
Sponsor: Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 231: A bill to reauthorize the Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp.
Sponsor: Sen. Robert “Rob” Portman [R-OH]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 248: A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require labeling of genetically engineered fish.
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Begich [D-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 250: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to modify the treatment of foreign corporations, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders [I-VT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 257: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require courses of education provided by public institutions of higher education that are approved for purposes of the educational assistance programs administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affai
Sponsor: Sen. John Boozman [R-AR]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 237: A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize and extend the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome prevention and services program, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was
introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be
considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 264: A bill to expand access to community mental health centers and improve the quality of mental health care for all Americans.
Sponsor: Sen. Debbie Stabenow [D-MI]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 238: A bill to amend the Federal Reserve Act to improve the functioning and transparency of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Mike Lee [R-UT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 232: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the excise tax on medical devices.
Sponsor: Sen. Orrin Hatch [R-UT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 249: A bill to provide for the expansion of affordable refinancing of mortgages held by the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
Sponsor: Sen. Robert “Bob” Menéndez [D-NJ]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 265: A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide grants for community-based mental health infrastructure improvement.
Sponsor: Sen. John “Jack” Reed [D-RI]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 241: A bill to establish the Rio Grande del Norte National Conservation Area in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Tom Udall [D-NM]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 256: A bill to amend Public Law 93-435 with respect to the Northern Mariana Islands, providing parity with Guam, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.
Sponsor: Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 246: A bill to prevent the escapement of genetically altered salmon in the United States, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Begich [D-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 240: A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to modify the per-fiscal year calculation of days of certain active duty or active service used to reduce the minimum age at which a member of a reserve component of the uniformed services may retire f
Sponsor: Sen. Jon Tester [D-MT]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 258: A bill to amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to improve the management of grazing leases and permits, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. John Barrasso [R-WY]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 263: A bill to amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to modify the discretionary spending limits to take into account savings resulting from the reduction in the number of Federal employees.
Sponsor: Sen. Kelly Ayotte [R-NH]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 244: A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project.
Sponsor: Sen. John Hoeven [R-ND]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 266: A bill to provide for the inclusion of Israel in the visa waiver program, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Ron Wyden [D-OR]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
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Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 230: A bill to authorize the Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Robert “Rob” Portman [R-OH]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 253: A bill establishing the Committee to Reduce Government Waste.
Sponsor: Sen. Mark Udall [D-CO]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 261: A bill to establish and clarify that Congress does not authorize persons convicted of dangerous crimes in foreign courts to freely possess firearms in the United States.
Sponsor: Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 247: A bill to establish the Harriet Tubman National Historical Park in Auburn, New York, and the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park in Caroline, Dorchester, and Talbot Counties, Maryland, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Sen. Benjamin Cardin [D-MD]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 243: A bill to provide assistance for watersheds adversely affected by qualifying natural disasters.
Sponsor: Sen. Michael Bennet [D-CO]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 236: A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to establish a Medicare payment option for patients and physicians or practitioners to freely contract, without penalty, for Medicare fee-for-service items and services, while allowing Medicar
Sponsor: Sen. Lisa Murkowski [R-AK]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 262: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide equity for tuition and fees for individuals entitled to educational assistance under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs who are pursuing progr
Sponsor: Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 233: A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 815 County Road 23 in Tyrone, New York, as the “Specialist Christopher Scott Post Office Building”.
Sponsor: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand [D-NY]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 07, 2013 — Introduced
S. 252: A bill to reduce preterm labor and delivery and the risk of pregnancy-related deaths and complications due to pregnancy, and to reduce infant mortality caused by prematurity.
Sponsor: Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 7, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 07, 2013 4:01 p.m. — Vote
On the Amendment S.Amdt. 14 to S. 47 (Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
Amendment Rejected 34/65
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]: Nay
Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT]: Nay
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Sen. Richard Blumenthal [D-CT].
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 593: To amend the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 to modify the discretionary spending limits to take into account savings resulting from the reduction in the number of Federal employees.
Sponsor: Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon [R-CA25]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 607: To delay until 2016 provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act scheduled to take effect in 2014 or 2015 and to delay the application of sequestration until 2014.
Sponsor: Rep. Mac Thornberry [R-TX13]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 594: To reauthorize and extend the Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research, and Education Amendments of 2008.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Burgess [R-TX26]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 601: To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish an annual production incentive fee with respect to Federal onshore and offshore lands that are subject to a lease for production of oil or natural gas under which production is not occurring,
Sponsor: Rep. Edward “Ed” Markey [D-MA5]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 599: To prohibit the transfer of defense articles and defense services to the governments of foreign countries that are engaging in gross violations of internationally-recognized human rights, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Raúl Grijalva [D-AZ3]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 606: To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 815 County Road 23 in Tyrone, New York, as the “Specialist Christopher Scott Post Office Building”.
Sponsor: Rep. Tom Reed [R-NY23]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 598: To amend title 5, United States Code, to give members of the United States Capitol Police the option to delay mandatory retirement until age 60.
Sponsor: Rep. Michael Capuano [D-MA7]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 602: To amend title 38, United States Code, to clarify the conditions under which certain persons may be treated as adjudicated mentally incompetent for certain purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 605: To exclude insurance companies from the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation’s “orderly liquidation authority”.
Sponsor: Rep. Bill Posey [R-FL8]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 596: To promote the development of renewable energy on public lands, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Rep. Paul Gosar [R-AZ4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 592: To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to clarify that houses of worship are eligible for certain disaster relief and emergency assistance on terms equal to other eligible private nonprofit facilities, and f
Sponsor: Rep. Christopher “Chris” Smith [R-NJ4]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 597: To establish a commission to study how Federal laws and policies affect United States citizens living in foreign countries.
Sponsor: Rep. Carolyn Maloney [D-NY12]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 604: To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for the eligibility under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program of certain individuals with service-connected disabilities who transfer to reserve components before discharge from the Arme
Sponsor: Rep. Chellie Pingree [D-ME1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 595: To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide equity for tuition and fees for individuals entitled to educational assistance under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs who are pursuing programs o
Sponsor: Rep. George “G.K.” Butterfield [D-NC1]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 603: To amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to establish the Office of the District Attorney for the District of Columbia, headed by a locally elected and independent District Attorney, and for other purposes.
Sponsor: Del. Eleanor Norton [D-DC0]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 608: For the relief of Maria Eva Duran, Jessica Duran Cortes, Daniel Ivan Duran Cortes, and Jose Antonio Duran Cortes.
Sponsor: Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA40]
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
This bill is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February 8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
You are seeing this event because you subscribe to
Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 — Introduced
H.R. 600: To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to provide assistance for nutrient removal technologies to States in the Great Lakes System.
Sponsor: Rep. Brian Higgins [D-NY26]
This bill is in the first stage
of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on February
8, 2013. It will typically be considered by committee next.
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Major Activity on All Legislation,
Introduced Bills and Resolutions,
Major Activity on All Legislation Except New Introductions.
Feb 08, 2013 7:41 a.m. — Legislation Coming Up
S. 47: Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
This bill has been added to the Senate’s floor schedule for the next legislative day.
Action: The committees assigned to this bill sent it to the House or
Senate as a whole for consideration on January 28, 2013.
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Legislation Coming Up.