Monday, January 20, 2014

Obama the Con Man!!!!

Haven't posted in a while and for that I am sorry. It's just that there have been so many things going on in the world especially in the United States with the advent of President Obama multitasking the ruin of our once great nation.

One of those things is Fukushima and the silence. I have found out that both the international atomic regulatory commission from the UN has basically been keeping this a big secret to entire world not just alienate people are living in a nice states that can be directly affected by this nuclear catastrophe. The other day I read a news article where the scientists were baffled at why there were so many dead salmon on the beach.

If you're scientists and their baffled you are playing politics with people's lives which is the most dangerous form of politics, because as those with absolute absence of any care for any other human being in the world.

President Obama is probably one of the greatest jugglers or magicians in the entire world, because he's been able to cover so much ground so quickly alternating pace and all this other stuff like on the master of deception because you really don't know what's going on inside his man's head and what the actual policy goals are, which we will never really know until it actually happens.

Benghazi is one of those other red herrings that keeps popping up every now and then face the basically slam BS and to Congress's face. The latest is that our great General Ham that was told that he had to stand down and not send troops to help the ambassador and the 4 other people there were trapped in the consulate in Benghazi.. Has now recanted his story saying that he was not told to standdown and it was his fault that nobody was sent to rescue the ambassador and the men with him. I find this kind of you can't put it any other way but fishy. Usually a man's initial response is the true response even what women it's the same thing so I definitely think he is lying now in order to save his career and pension. Why would this man will work for President Obama? General Ham is a highly decorated special forces operative for the U.S. Army. My question is is how did President Obama corrupt this man into telling a lie.

It seems that President Obama is becoming more more like the modern day J Edgar Hoover. Because it seems like he has dirt on everyone everyone is scared of this man. One American president said that J Edgar Hoover was the most dangerous Man in America. Not exactly sure who that was but anyone person who has enough information on people to where they fear him, is a tyrant by definition. President Obama's ruling the military out of fear. This is the reason why you find the purging of many military officers who are not willing to shooter American citizens, who are not willing to confiscate their weapons and will definitely do not lead the attained American citizens without probable cause.

When I was in the military during the 80s and 90s, the military was not a political bargaining chip. In fact of there was no place for politics in the military. The United States military was a a political beast because the military has civilian leadership a.k.a. the commander-in-chief, a.k.a. President. President Obama has succeeded in undermining our military by using politics is a means to undermine the traditions of the military which actually undermines the traditions of the United States of America.

President Obama has the American public fooled. Most Americans are under a rhetorical spell of a conspiracy of the state run media, such as the New York Times, ABC CBS and NBC. President Obama only allows news outlets to tell you what he wants you to know. There is a psychological condition to explain this and that is mass hysteria. People who believe that the state will do what's best for them are under this hysteria. Governments in the past that have started by purging the government and military of those officials and officers that do not think or hold the same ideals as the dictator in chief. In United States government has been infiltrated by so many groups that are foreign to the ideals and traditions of Americans they are hard to enumerate. For example, communists, Muslim brotherhood, socialist Democrats, and many many more have infiltrated the United States government. When the government says that, patriots and people who support and defend the Constitution of the United States are enemies of the state. That means that there is a top down revolution happening in the United States government led by President Barack Hussein Obama. Even top-down revolutions are violent and bloody, no one in the United States will escape this conflict unscathed by either death or famine.

This would explain why Bill Ayres called Barack Obama a terrorist.

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