Sunday, January 20, 2013

Welcome to President Barack Hussein Obama’s (a liar in chief) Inauguration Part Deux

President  Barack Obama has lied in front everyone again during his inauguration but this time we are on to him. The fact that he swears on the Bible to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States is basically blasphemy. It has a spit in the face of all Christians and United States. We know this man is not uphold his oath of office. He has done everything within his power to undermine the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. The NDAA of 2013 was signed into law and has a provision that a US citizen can be indefinitely detained, without a warrant for arrest, a reason for arrest, no right to a jury or a speedy trial and that provision is coming from the NDAA of 2012. Pres. Obama said that he would not sign the NCAA of 2012 if it included the the clause indefinite detention in the middle. But he still signed it into law with reservations, which I think is Pres. Obama’s game of playing off the public. Pres. Obama is a great actor and he knows how to play the race card, the religion card, the 99% card and any proposal that will divide the country so he can become Emperor for life.

Julius Caesar at the march is Army into Rome and take the seat of dictator for life. His rule ended in his death by the Empire did not. Why is that is because the senators who killed Julius Caesar didn’t want to be told what to do, how to do it, when to do it and any type of authoritarian rule. Roman into a civil war afterwards and Mark Anthony lost to Octavian, the adopted stepson of Caesar, and a sea battle. But the Empire went on for 500 more years.

Barack Obama is a lot like Caesar but not in a lot of ways, Barack Obama wants to be reelected in 2016, which would mean that Congress would have to repeal this at 22nd amendment of the Constitution. When repealing an amendment to the Constitution it also has to be ratified by the states. It can’t be amended by act of Congress alone it has to go through the ratification process in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. There have been several bills submitted Congress and the Senate to undermine the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. One is the repealing of the 22nd amendment, two is the Diane Feinstein bill to eliminate all semiautomatics from gun ownership in America, but there are also bills being submitted by congressmen and senators to thwart the aggression of the executive branch against the Constitution of the United States. Articles of impeachment of Pres. Obama had been brought forward, bills of also been brought forward to restrict the use of executive orders by the executive branch to affect the Constitution. I hope Pres. Obama gets the message that we are not to be afraid of him anymore we are going to fight and die if we must.

I know Pres. Obama has execution squads taken out the pro-gun movement or any of his political enemies. This means that Barack Obama is scared of the American people here in the truth about him. Barack Obama is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Communist Party USA, because of the connections with him and Bill Ayers and Frank Marshall Douglas you enable to get into office in Chicago. Prior to that both him and his wife had to give up their law licenses because Barack Obama falsified documents that are Bar Association and Michelle was trying to help him get a job as a lawyer in her firm. It seems to be Michelle Obama knew that her husband was not a legal citizen in this sense that you may have been born in Hawaii even a falsified birth certificate says that he’s not a natural born citizen of the United States. His father Barack Obama Senior with a citizen of Kenya and a British subject of the time of Obama’s birth.

Communists and socialists have been busy trying to of undermine the moral grounds of the United States of America and have been quite successful. We voted for a foreigner the office of president of the United States two times now. In 2008 Barack Obama promised us the world and still has yet to deliver. His jobs bills are always a failure cost and the federal government more money than jobs provided. His promotion of green energy Sylonda and other solar energy companies have failed because no offense I don’t think a communist knows how to run a company in an open market. Communists and socialists don’t know how US economy works they don’t understand it and don’t want to understand because they think the world is coated in sugar and honey. Life in the US and the quality of life in the US has dropped dramatically since Pres. Obama has taken office in 2008. The stimulus bills of $750 billion to the banks to GM were all bank failures the economy has not bounced back, we have not recovered from the 17 million jobs we lost prior to the collapse of 2008. Pres. Obama gets a hard on every time he as more than 300,000 jobs developed in the last month. This is not even going to come close even if we lose our jobs that month and only gain 300,000 jobs during that month it would take us 15 years to recover from this that happened in 2008. Barack Obama has done nothing but make the situation even worse by more people being on subsidies by the government almost 47% is putting a drain on those Americans that actually work and pay taxes.

Putting more more people on subsidies and taxing the middle class in the lower class more than the rich is still a policy of Barack Obama. This is a communistic agenda you make the drain on the producers so hard that they cannot exist anymore and they have to sell or close their business and even lay off workers, which means even more people on subsidies. Communistic economic policy is to keep taking from the people that work and giving it to people who don’t work. Now this redistribution of wealth does not only take place in the United States, Barack Obama is also spreading the wealth of the United States throughout the Third World countries with subsidies that are for drilling for all oil and the spreading of green energy. Pres. Obama has spent our money that we give to the federal government because we pay our taxes and just spends it without trying to reduce the deficit or even paying back some of our lienholders. We owe so much money to China that it has become a national security risk. All I see in the future as Obama spending even more money because he is collecting more taxes because he lied to those people that make under two $250,000 a year that their taxes will go up and then he raised taxes on the middle and lower classes. Meanwhile his friends like George Soros, Jay Rockefeller and many other prominent Americans that believe in the socialist, communist utopia that Pres. Obama believes in.

The Socialists and Communists of been so crafty and underhanded but very smart and undermining the American culture. They started out with no prayer in schools and then they took out the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and put in a Pledge of Allegiance to the world in places like Wisconsin and others. The elementary, high school’s, universities have all been indoctrinating our children into this communist subculture that has covertly worked its way into the schools as zones of the United States. Who is to blame for this the national education Association, the teachers unions and the administrators of the schools. Because they were indoctrinated by the universities they attended. Harvard and Yale universities have been using controversial classes and deal with socialism and communism in the main curriculum. Most teachers probably didn’t even realize that they would be in the indoctrinated as socialist or communist.

I feel in the next four years Pres. Obama is really going to push the communist socialist agenda and it won’t be nice. Pres. Obama is known to be a mass murder with multiple drone strikes in the countries that are less desirable known as the Third World. Drone strikes in Pakistan, Libya and Afghanistan in order to kill one person, they kill 10 the 20 people, but these Democrats or progressive Democrats, which is another word for communist socialist, don’t raise an eyebrow to it. But if we have a person is on a psychotropic drug and goes on a killing spree, these progressive Democrats want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.  Why don’t they try to take the drones away from the power of Barack Obama, because he is there a God. I don’t know about everyone else but the next four years I think we’re going to see a lot of the same a downturn economy, less spending power of the dollar, mass shootings until all the guns are taken away from the people, failed attempts at promoting green energy, foreclosing on farms, more people getting shot by police, death and destruction in foreign lands, more of our young men going overseas and dying, political usurpation by Pres. Obama, hypocrisy by the progressive Democrats, constantly building corruption of the federal government at the local areas and what are we going to do. Are we going to just sit by and do nothing? Are we going to continue to let Pres. Obama spend tax dollars on programs that are not intended to stimulate the economy?  We going to let Pres. Obama the search so much power into the executive branch that the American people will not have the power to resist? Are we going to let the progressive Democrats continue to pass legislation that violates our basic human rights?

As for myself, I am going to write articles like ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN that are not backed up by facts or manipulated by the Socialists agenda, but but I will write, what I see, what I hear when I feel.

If you want to watch a good movie about the communists and socialists infiltration of American culture, what Agenda, Grinding Down America

A book this a good read for a person that is interested President Obama’s plans for the US military, NIB (National Infrastructure Bank), Social Justices programs, WPA (Work Progress Administration), Acts of Fairness (Equal pay for equal work), Illegal alien Amnesty and more.