Resolution Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Article I 
In his conduct while President of the United States,Barack Hussein
Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the
office of President of the United States and, to the best of his
ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United
States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that
the laws be faithfully executed, did allow, the transfer of guns,
grenades and other weapons to Mexican drug cartels direct from the
federal government. This resulted in the deaths of at least 58,000
Mexican nationals and hundreds of Americans.
Article II 
Barack Hussein Obama violated numerous laws and violated his
constitutional obligation to protect the health and safety of Americans
when according to federal court documents in Chicago, he allowed the CIA
and Mexican drug cartels to fly planeloads of illegal drugs into that
city. As Commander-in-Chief, he has allowed opium production to grow to
such an extent that 100,000 people worldwide die every year from heroin
overdoses. He has made heroin from Afghanistan so plentiful and cheap in
America that the average age of a first time heroin user in America is
now just 14 ½ years.
Article III 
As Commander-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama failed to protect the
American consulate in Benghazi Libya which was under attack by armed men
for several hours. He also fired naval and army commanders in the area
who attempted to come to the aid of men in imminent danger. Four
Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens died that day. He has
repeatedly covered up both the affair and the purging of American
military officers.
Article IV 
As Commander-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama has given aid and comfort
to America’s enemies. He has given weapons, training, transportation
and both financial and diplomatic support to known and listed terrorist
groups including but not limited to Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and the Taliban.
They are being used by him to attack the people of Syria. In Syria his
terrorists have burned mosques and churches. It was his terrorists who
destroyed the oldest Christian church in the world. It had been founded
in 50 AD. His terrorists beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to
dogs. Al Qaeda and other terrorists funded by him have killed more than
40,000 black civilians in Libya after hostilities were over. This has
greatly damaged America’s reputation throughout Africa.
Article V 
Barack Hussein Obama violated Article II, Section 4 of the
Constitution when he allowed his Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and
his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey to testify
before Congress telling them they no longer had the power to declare
war. He had affirmed this usurpation of Congressional authority since
then. This was an insult to the American people who had voted for
candidates because they thought these men and women would put an end to
wars that were not in the interests of the United States of America.
Article VI 
Barack Hussein Obama violated his oath of office to protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States when he signed the National
Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The NDAA allowed for the arrest and
indefinite detention of American citizens without due process and access
to either a lawyer or to the courts. No law can repeal the Bill of
Rights. This requires an Amendment to the Constitution.
Article VII 
Barack Hussein Obama violated American law by ordering the killing of
Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen, without due process. This was not
on a battlefield. This man was acting as an agent of the American
government. He had dined in the Pentagon after 911. He was used to
recruit Muslims who fit the profile of patsies. His son was also
subsequently targeted and killed by a drone.
Article VIII 
Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of gross incompetence in his
appointments and administration of the Department of Justice, the FBI,
the SEC, the CFTC, the FDIC and the Federal Reserve. He said that what
the banks have done might be immoral but it clearly was not illegal.
That is a lie. It is a criminal offense for a bank to create a false
mortgage note to fraudulently lay claim to a home. It is also illegal to
give a false rating to worthless bonds knowing that the person who paid
for those ratings intended to defraud investors of trillions of
dollars. He has allowed banks that laundered money for drug cartels and
for terrorists to be given civil fines which were a small fraction of
the profits made. And he has allowed these banks to escape criminal
prosecution. He has compounded these felonies by giving Bailouts to and
accepting campaign contributions from those individuals who committed
tens of thousands if not millions of felonies.
Article IX 
Barack Hussein Obama violated Congressional authority and intent when
he decided to issue an Executive Order to replace the Cyber Security
bill which they had rejected. He has given DNS codes to the UN. Foreign
nations can now deprive American citizens of their freedoms and
properties by taking down access to American websites those nations do
not like. This violates the rights of Americans by taking away both
their freedom and property without due process.
Article X 
Barack Hussein Obama violated Congressional authority by issuing
Executive Orders to take away the right of the citizens to bear arms
which is guaranteed to then in the Second Amendment of the Bill of
Rights. Inalienable rights granted to the people in the Constitution can
only be changed by an Amendment. An Executive Order can only be used to
carry out acts of Congress and to fulfill his duties as President.Source:
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