By Frosty Wooldridge
Americans must ask themselves if Muslim-style “multiculturalism” fits
into the United States of America. Can our country tolerate
beheadings, be-handings, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages
of 12 year old girls and murders of gays? Before 1990, no American ever
experienced the barbaric ritual of beheading a person.
But since our U.S. Congress began importing a total of seven million
Muslims from all over the Middle East and Africa since 1990, an ever
increasing rate of “honor killings” continue to horrify Americans around
the country.
This week, the New York Daily News reported Islamic violence in Buena
Vista, New Jersey: “Cops arrested Muslim Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, of Jersey
City on Sunday after detectives found the bodies of the two men, aged 25
and 27, behind a home in Buena Vista Township. Their severed heads and
hands were discovered at a separate burial site. The investigation into
the grisly murder began Thursday following reports of suspicious
activity at the Buena Vista home. Cadaver dogs located the bodies, which
both suffered a single gunshot wound to their chests.” (Source: New
York Daily News, 2/19/13)
Muslim man accused of beheading two Christians in U.S. Torture, persecution of faithful no longer reserved for Islamic nations
Police reported in New Jersey that Yusuf Ibrahim beheaded and
be-handed two Coptic Christians after shooting them. He buried them in
two separate graves in Buena Vista, New Jersey.
“It’s a shock, something like this doesn’t happen,” one resident said.
Pamela Geller, who blogs about Islam at Atlas Shrugs,
said, “It appears to have been a ritual killing, religious in nature.
The victims were Coptic Christians and the murderer was Muslim, and we
are painfully aware of the status and treatment of Christians under
Muslim rule in Egypt.”
The killings stem from Islamic law within the Quran: “When Allah was
revealing to the angels, “I am with you; so confirm the believers. I
shall cast into the unbelievers’ hearts terror; so cut above the necks,
and cut every finger of them!” – Quran 8:12.”
At this time, America houses seven million Muslims. They already
advocate for Sharia Law within America. As their numbers grow, they
will implement it with the power of the vote. They continue practicing
female genital mutilation, arranged marriages, multiple wives and
subjugation of their women. Detroit, Michigan harbors massive Islamic
cover-up of Muslim rituals. It’s become so isolated that no American
law can be adjudicated. Detroit has become an Islamic country within our
Wherever their numbers grow, Muslims slowly and methodically overwhelm the host nation.
Muhib Ru’yat al-Rahman, a senior writer of a leading jihadi forum
called “Shumoukh al-Islam”, suggested, “Muslims living in Denmark,
Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S., must kill Westerners who
criticize Islam, and display their decapitated heads along roads.”
One Muslim Dutch-Moroccan immigrant named Muhammad Bouyeri, killed
Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh in 2004 over the production of
“Submission,” a film criticizing Islam’s treatment of women. Dozens of
forum members praised the action, expressing their agreement with the
writer’s suggestions.
A majority of Americans lack any understanding or knowledge of the
Muslim onslaught of much of Europe. Smaller countries like Belgium and
Holland suffer complete displacement of their cultures, languages and
people because Muslims out-breed them at an astounding rate of speed.
Norway houses four million people and Sweden less than five million
citizens: both countries watch horrific upheaval of their laws, culture
and language by Islamic immigrants. For example, 99 percent of rapes on
Norwegian women stem from Muslim immigrant men. The United Kingdom and
France experience similar consequences of mass Muslim immigration. To
say that Islam remains a savage and barbaric religion in the 21st century can be seen as a gross understatement.
Annually in Islamic countries, Muslim fathers, husbands and brothers,
following the edicts of the Koran, kill 5,000 women with impunity for
“dishonoring” the family name. A woman might make a transgression by
wearing jeans or she might attempt to gain an education or she might try
to escape an arranged marriage because she just turned 11 years of
age. Americans cannot grasp the savagery of the Koran and the men who
follow it.
With the onslaught of “multiculturalism” into America from Islamic
countries, Americans must ask themselves if they treasure women’s
rights. Gays must ask if they stand a chance of living in Muslim
dominated cities like Detroit, Michigan. Women must ask if they can
dress, speak and travel on their own.
Everything about Islam contradicts everything about Western democracy, free speech, religious choice and women’s rights.
“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not
influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates
academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political
thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of
the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim
the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question
will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated
cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say
their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the
United States has begun.”
Join these organizations to empower you to stop mass immigration: ; ; ; ;
Join me with Dave Chaffin, host of the Morning Zone at 650 AM,
, Cheyenne, Wyoming every Monday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., as we discuss
my latest commentaries on immigration-environment. You may stream the
show on your computer. You may call in at: 1-888-503-6500.
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the
Arctic to the South Pole - as well as eight times across the USA, coast
to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic
Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. In 2012, he bicycled coast to coast
across America. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis facing
America: what to do about it.”
. His latest book is: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of
Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, copies at 1 888 280 7715/
Motivational program: How to Live a Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World by Frosty Wooldridge, click:
Live well, laugh often, celebrate daily and enjoy the ride,
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, Colorado
6 Continent world bicycle traveler
To let people know what is going on in the United States, history, politics, social and economic issues in the United States. Mostly to criticize how government is taking away our freedoms and liberties.
Showing posts with label Political Correctness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Correctness. Show all posts
Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Democratic Socialists Infiltrate the 111th Congress 2009
DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09 by ObamaRelease YourRecords
This Document also includes the philosophy of the Democratic Socialist Party in the United States. Their globalist agenda and redistribution of wealth from the wealth counties of the world to the poorer countries. Their felling on "free speech" as long this is no dissent.
This is an informative document a must read for any patriot. I'm learning a lot from this.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Assignment: Design a Flag for a New Socialist/Communist America
A lesson plan for 6th graders reads as follows:
Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?The CSCOPE curriculum is used in 875 school districts across Texas. At a recent Texas Education Committee meeting, Senators and witnesses questioned the effectiveness of the program used as a primary tool to educate millions of impressionable minds.
Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, called it “a mess.”There exists a double standard within the halls of the American indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools.
One witness compared the system to “mind control,” and an algebra teacher wept as he described quitting because he felt he was “aiding and abetting a crime” by using CSCOPE in his classroom.
A string of witnesses before the Senate Education Committee criticized the program for promoting liberal values they said are anti-Christian at best and openly socialist at worst.
They also complained that it is hard for nonteachers to get a look at the program.
“Discontent is rampant across the state,” said Peggy Venable, a frequent critic of public schools and the Texas director of Americans for Prosperity.
Source: Ft. Worth Star Telegram
A hearing impaired three year old was recently suspended for violating a school weapons policy because the hand sign for his name resembled a gun. Just a few weeks ago, a six year old was expelled from a Texas school when she brought a pink bubble gun to school for show and tell. Administrators justified the expulsion by claiming that her actions constituted a “terroristic threat.”
Fundamental bedrock American principles protected under the US Constitution, such as the right to bear arms, are vilified by our government sponsored education system.
Yet, promoting Communism, a system responsible for the democide of hundreds of millions of people over the last century (ironically, by way of the gun) is perfectly acceptable.
Children most certainly need to be taught about the dangers of socialism and communism, but our education system needs to use some common sense when doing so.
How many of the educators giving this assignment to their students mentioned the fact that the economics of Communism leads to strife and loss of liberty? That the laws within those systems are implemented through violence and much suffering?
How many of them explained that the only way to prevent such systems from taking hold is to have an armed populace that can fight back against the tyranny?
This is what we’re up against in America today. Sixty years ago we were holding Congressional hearings in an effort to identify Communists in this country.
Today, we’re electing them to the highest of political offices.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Political Correctness and the Indoctrination of our School Age Children
February 7, 2013 in Children, Indoctrination, Liberty in Jeopardy, Political Correctness, Political Courage, Political Deception, Propaganda, Socialism by Admin1
“You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”
- John Dewey, 19th Century Philosopher, Education Reformer
“The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of Government in the next.”
- Abraham Lincoln, Self-Educated, Lawyer, U.S. President
While we are busy making a living, our educational system is busy indoctrinating our children. If you are a parent, you simply must understand what is happening in our schools before it’s too late and the Progressives succeed in indoctrinating foreign values and mores into your children which will remain with them throughout their lifetime.
Here are some recent outrageous examples of our educational system at its worst.
While playing a game of ‘rescue the world,’ Alex Evans, a second grader in Colorado tossed an imaginary grenade into a box in a make-believe game called “rescue the World” Because of the school’s ‘no real or play fighting’ rule, the boy was kicked out of school for an undisclosed period of time. The child said that he “was trying to save people …” in his imaginary world
Read more:
In a related incident, a Llttle 5-year-old kindergartener was suspended for 10 days by a school administrators over alleged threat to blast a playmate with a Hello Kitty toy gun that shoots colorful floating bubbles. Her mom says that her daughter was told she could go to jail over threat.
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A 5-year-old Hyannis MA boy received a disciplinary warning from Hyannis West school officials after building a gun out of Legos!
Read more:
posted on February 7, 2013 by Dave Jolly
As a parent, you know that when your kids are young and learning to read that they are very impressionable. Many of the values, likes and dislikes are formed during these early years and trust me, the liberals know it and are using it to brainwash the next generation.
One of the most impressionable tools to use on young children are their first books, especially ones that teach them basic learning skills such as their alphabet. I’m in my sixties and I still remember many of the objects associated with the alphabet like A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat and so on. I even learned Morse Code when I was quite young because of picture association and still remember most of it today – A is dot dash – an apple and stem; B is dash dot dot dot – baseball bat and 3 baseballs; L is dot dash dot dot – locomotive front wheel, wheel bar and 2 rear wheels and so on.
Now, a social activist with very liberal and socialist ideas is using his new alphabet book to brainwash kids at the earliest age possible. Innosanto Nagara is originally from Indonesia. He came to the US to attend the University of California at Davis. He is a founding member of Design Action Collective, which is described as a social justice design studio. Just to remind you, the term social justice is the new way of saying socialistic without people realizing it.
Nagara has recently published a children’s book titled: A is for Activist. It is being advertised as a ‘children’s book for the 99 percent’. The purpose of the book is to ‘infuse the alphabet with the energy and consciousness of Occupy Wall Street.’
In an interview, Nagara talked about the book saying:
“It’s pretty awesome to hear a three-year-old saying ‘union power.”
Some of the letter lessons in the book are:
“B is for banner, as in a protest banner hanging off a construction crane
L is for LGBTQ, as in Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered and Queer
T is for Trans, as in transgendered
Z is for Zapatistas, as in Mexican revolutionary leftists”
Sadly, the book is already being picked up educators. One teacher union activist in Oakland wrote:
“This is an amazing book for toddlers.”
Founder of the social justice organization Code Pink, Medea Benjamin heralded A is for Activist saying:
“May a thousand young activists bloom!”
And that is precisely the purpose of this book, to create thousands of kids who will grow up as liberal socialistic activists who will work to undermine what America is all about.
Parents, please be warned about this book. If your kids attend public school, make it a priority to visit that school and find out if they have this book and are using it to brainwash your child into something you don’t want them to become. The schools will not safeguard your kids from this kind of teaching, only you can. You must take an active role in your children’s education. You need to protect your children like a mother hen protect her chicks and remember the words of Proverbs 22:6 that say:
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Read more:
“You can’t make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.”
- John Dewey, 19th Century Philosopher, Education Reformer
“The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of Government in the next.”
- Abraham Lincoln, Self-Educated, Lawyer, U.S. President
While we are busy making a living, our educational system is busy indoctrinating our children. If you are a parent, you simply must understand what is happening in our schools before it’s too late and the Progressives succeed in indoctrinating foreign values and mores into your children which will remain with them throughout their lifetime.
Here are some recent outrageous examples of our educational system at its worst.
While playing a game of ‘rescue the world,’ Alex Evans, a second grader in Colorado tossed an imaginary grenade into a box in a make-believe game called “rescue the World” Because of the school’s ‘no real or play fighting’ rule, the boy was kicked out of school for an undisclosed period of time. The child said that he “was trying to save people …” in his imaginary world
Read more:
In a related incident, a Llttle 5-year-old kindergartener was suspended for 10 days by a school administrators over alleged threat to blast a playmate with a Hello Kitty toy gun that shoots colorful floating bubbles. Her mom says that her daughter was told she could go to jail over threat.
Read more:
A 5-year-old Hyannis MA boy received a disciplinary warning from Hyannis West school officials after building a gun out of Legos!
Read more:
First, we heard school children in NJ sing praises of Barack Hussein Obama.
And now, the Progressives are writing text books with embedded propaganda with the expectation of molding our children’s behavior!!!
posted on February 7, 2013 by Dave Jolly
Children’s Book Wants 3 Year Olds Chanting ‘Union Power’
As a parent, you know that when your kids are young and learning to read that they are very impressionable. Many of the values, likes and dislikes are formed during these early years and trust me, the liberals know it and are using it to brainwash the next generation.
One of the most impressionable tools to use on young children are their first books, especially ones that teach them basic learning skills such as their alphabet. I’m in my sixties and I still remember many of the objects associated with the alphabet like A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for cat and so on. I even learned Morse Code when I was quite young because of picture association and still remember most of it today – A is dot dash – an apple and stem; B is dash dot dot dot – baseball bat and 3 baseballs; L is dot dash dot dot – locomotive front wheel, wheel bar and 2 rear wheels and so on.
Now, a social activist with very liberal and socialist ideas is using his new alphabet book to brainwash kids at the earliest age possible. Innosanto Nagara is originally from Indonesia. He came to the US to attend the University of California at Davis. He is a founding member of Design Action Collective, which is described as a social justice design studio. Just to remind you, the term social justice is the new way of saying socialistic without people realizing it.
Nagara has recently published a children’s book titled: A is for Activist. It is being advertised as a ‘children’s book for the 99 percent’. The purpose of the book is to ‘infuse the alphabet with the energy and consciousness of Occupy Wall Street.’
In an interview, Nagara talked about the book saying:
“It’s pretty awesome to hear a three-year-old saying ‘union power.”
Some of the letter lessons in the book are:
“B is for banner, as in a protest banner hanging off a construction crane
L is for LGBTQ, as in Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered and Queer
T is for Trans, as in transgendered
Z is for Zapatistas, as in Mexican revolutionary leftists”
Sadly, the book is already being picked up educators. One teacher union activist in Oakland wrote:
“This is an amazing book for toddlers.”
Founder of the social justice organization Code Pink, Medea Benjamin heralded A is for Activist saying:
“May a thousand young activists bloom!”
And that is precisely the purpose of this book, to create thousands of kids who will grow up as liberal socialistic activists who will work to undermine what America is all about.
Parents, please be warned about this book. If your kids attend public school, make it a priority to visit that school and find out if they have this book and are using it to brainwash your child into something you don’t want them to become. The schools will not safeguard your kids from this kind of teaching, only you can. You must take an active role in your children’s education. You need to protect your children like a mother hen protect her chicks and remember the words of Proverbs 22:6 that say:
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
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