This 8th-grader is practicing his 1st Amendment by not letting the Communist, Social Democrats, Social State Run Educational system from removing any sense of self determination and expressing his opinion at the STUPIDITY of the New World Order, which Communist in nature. I admire Jared for not letting the system crack him like the rest of his Brain-washed classmates. The demonization of gun owners and their families continues to be systematic through out the country. The State and Federal Governments think they are going to guilt Americans into giving up their guns, they are so naive and idiotic to even think such a thing. The 2nd Amendment is in the US and all State Constitutions and the right to bare arms, form militias and defend ourselves against all enemies foreign and domestic is a right given by God and reinforced by the Constitution. Jared I would like say "Keep it up Brother, I got your Six."
To let people know what is going on in the United States, history, politics, social and economic issues in the United States. Mostly to criticize how government is taking away our freedoms and liberties.
Showing posts with label anti-gun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-gun. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Disciplined 8th-grader Jared Marcum Has More Balls Than Most Americans Three Times His Age
This 8th-grader is practicing his 1st Amendment by not letting the Communist, Social Democrats, Social State Run Educational system from removing any sense of self determination and expressing his opinion at the STUPIDITY of the New World Order, which Communist in nature. I admire Jared for not letting the system crack him like the rest of his Brain-washed classmates. The demonization of gun owners and their families continues to be systematic through out the country. The State and Federal Governments think they are going to guilt Americans into giving up their guns, they are so naive and idiotic to even think such a thing. The 2nd Amendment is in the US and all State Constitutions and the right to bare arms, form militias and defend ourselves against all enemies foreign and domestic is a right given by God and reinforced by the Constitution. Jared I would like say "Keep it up Brother, I got your Six."
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Connecticut Middle School Tells Students there is No Right to Bear Arms, No 2nd Amendment Rights for Americans
Apparently Connecticut is in some other country with the same name as ours. Or, at least, one of its schools seems to think this is the case. You see, Northeast Middle School openly teaches the following.
“The courts have consistently determined that the Second Amendment does not ensure each individual the right to bear arms,” the worksheet states. “The courts have never found a law regulating the private ownership of weapons unconstitutional.
The worksheet, published by Instructional Fair, goes on to say that the Second Amendment is not incorporated against the states.
“This means that the rights of this amendment are not extended to the individual citizens of the states,” the worksheet reads. “So a person has no right to complain about a Second Amendment violation by state laws.”
So what, in the view of the school, is the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. Get ready for it… swallow your drink and sit down.
According to the document, the Second Amendment “only provides the right of a state to keep an armed National Guard.”
Indoctrination using state sponsored propaganda. Fantastic.
The only Northeast Middle School I could find is listed below. Let me know if you find another one and can confirm it’s the right school.
Northeast Middle School
530 Stevens Street
Bristol, CT 06010
(860) 584-7839
Emergency: National Association For Gun Rights
For the past several hours, I’ve been feverishly working Senate phone lines.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is preparing to break through Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster as early asWednesday afternoon, convinced pro-gun Republicans will run for the hills at the first sign of a fight.
Richard, without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid he just may be right.
That’s why it’s absolutely vital you sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY.
My staff has delivered 192,673 Emergency Fax Petitions to U.S. Senate offices in just the last 72 hours.
If you have already signed your petition, please forward the Emergency Fax Petition to everyone you know and ask them to take action.
You see, as of right now, one dozen Senators have pledged to join Senator Paul’s filibuster.
That means you and I need to pressure 28 other Senators to stave off Senate Majority Leader Reid’s scheme.
Other Senators are cowering in the shadows and riding the fence.
But there’s a handful who are conspiring to hand President Obama everything he wants.
In fact, the message Senator John McCain delivered yesterday on CBS’ Face the Nation was crystal clear to anyone listening, saying “I don’t understand” why Senator Paul was filibustering the motion to proceed to debate.
Richard, Senator McCain’s underlying message was as hard to miss as it was outrageous . . .
“Senate Republicans should trust President Obama and Harry Reid.”
Anyone with half a brain and a shred of concern for our Second Amendment rights should see why this would be a horrible strategy to allow Harry Reid to bring ANY gun bill to the floor.
In fact, just this past Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid laid his strategy bare in a radio interview on Nevada Public Radio, saying:
*** “We’re going to do something on background checks [NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION].”
*** “We’re going to take a look at the size of clips or magazines.”
*** “And when it’s all over, we’re going to have votes on [the Feinstein Gun Ban].”
As I’ve warned you from the beginning, as soon as a gun bill reaches the floor for debate, Senate Majority Leader Reid will be free to horse-trade and deal with supposedly “pro-gun” Democrats vulnerable for reelection and weak-kneed Republicans to see just how much of President Obama’s anti-gun agenda they can ram into law. The only thing stopping them until this point was convincing a well-known “pro-gun” conservative Republican to help them break Senator Paul’s filibuster.
Knowing just how heated the gun issue is, many vulnerable Democrats were wary of “stepping out on the ledge” and having the gun issue spell their defeat in 2014.
The solution?
Being able to say such a scheme was “bipartisan” and “even pro-Second Amendment Republicans supported it.”
That’s why, for weeks, they’ve been shopping around a “compromise” to weak-kneed GOP Senators they think they can work with.
First it was Tom Coburn (R-OK). Then Chuck Grassley (IA).
Now Pat Toomey (R-PA) is in “talks” with Obama’s anti-gun Senate ringleader Joe Manchin (D-WV).
Richard, I haven’t heard any news of a smoky backroom deal being struck yet.
But Senator Reid’s decision to try and break through Senator Paul’s filibuster as soon as Wednesday makes me fear for the worst.
That’s why you and I have to turn up the heat IMMEDIATELY.
You see, this may be our last best chance to defeat the bill.
Already, GOP leaders in the House have passed three bills with majority Democrat support -- even when a majority of Republicans have opposed the bills.
Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are keeping their mouths zipped, refusing to say whether or not they’ll do the same thing on guns.
Richard, you and I both know their silence means Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are planning to betray Second Amendment supporters.
I hate to be so cynical, but that is the ugly truth.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY.
And if you can, please forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have.
Finally, if you possible can, won’t you please chip in just $10 or $20?
Every dollar you give means I can turn up even more pressure on the Senate -- and hopefully smoke out any Senate Republican backstabber before the motion to proceed to any anti-gun scheme is voted on.
You and I can win this fight.
But only if we take action IMMEDIATELY.
So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition at once.
There’s no time to waste.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
Senate Action on Gun Bills this Week - NRA NOTICE
The U.S. Senate is set to act on anti-gun legislation as early as this week. These proposals are the latest attempt by anti-gun Senators to erode our Second Amendment rights by making it illegal for law-abiding gun owners to transfer firearms without the federal government’s approval; and by banning commonly owned semi-automatic rifles and magazines, to name a few. Unfortunately, none of these proposals address the critical issues of fixing our broken mental health system; securing our schools; or prosecuting violent criminals.
However, there is a proposal worthy of gun owners' support. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Mark Begich (D-AK) have introduced S. 480, the "NICS Reporting Improvement Act of 2013", which will provide accurate definitions of persons who pose serious threats to themselves or others and therefore should be prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms, while protecting the rights of those who should not be included in NICS. Further, this legislation will protect the rights of America's veterans, by no longer allowing their Second Amendment freedoms to be denied based on an administrative finding that a person requires appointment of a representative to mange his financial affairs.
The NRA fully supports Senators Graham and Begich's important legislation.
The time is now. Please contact your U.S. Senators today, let them know you are a NRA member and encourage them to support S. 480 and to oppose all anti-gun legislation.
You can contact your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121.
However, there is a proposal worthy of gun owners' support. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Mark Begich (D-AK) have introduced S. 480, the "NICS Reporting Improvement Act of 2013", which will provide accurate definitions of persons who pose serious threats to themselves or others and therefore should be prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms, while protecting the rights of those who should not be included in NICS. Further, this legislation will protect the rights of America's veterans, by no longer allowing their Second Amendment freedoms to be denied based on an administrative finding that a person requires appointment of a representative to mange his financial affairs.
The NRA fully supports Senators Graham and Begich's important legislation.
The time is now. Please contact your U.S. Senators today, let them know you are a NRA member and encourage them to support S. 480 and to oppose all anti-gun legislation.
You can contact your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Welcome to the hundreds of new people from all across Connecticut who have signed on to this newsletter in the past week. Sometimes we will be a prism of information; sometimes a laser beam finely focused on one issue or event.
Last night in Southington Jim Vicevich delivered a hopeful and heartening message to the full house. Jim is ALL IN with us. To see some of the pictures from the event you can go to Facebook at¬if_t=group_r2j_approved#!/groups/568388553186435/ . Be sure to click to join.
Robert "Boomer" Steed also attended. If you're unfamiliar with his name, you might remember this video.
Robert "Boomer" Steed also attended. If you're unfamiliar with his name, you might remember this video.
Our Twitter Team helped sent it viral. If you're proficient in social media, please consider becoming part of our Twitter Team. Just send a reply to this email.
Last week Boomer was invited to appear on Fox News Channel live.
And Boomer will be on live with Jim Vicevich Monday morning at 9:30 AM
WTIC 1080 AM. It's a 50,000 watt station.
WTIC 1080 AM. It's a 50,000 watt station.
Connecticut Senate Minority Leader, John McKinney, will host a town hall meeting Monday night in Danbury and another in Westbrook on Tuesday. These are great opportunities to hear about the Governor's proposed budget. But I'm sure another issue will be discussed.
Broadview Middle School Auditorium
72 Hospital Avenue, Danbury
7-8:30 PM
72 Hospital Avenue, Danbury
7-8:30 PM
With Dan Carter, Richard Smith (no relation) and Mike McLachlan.
Westbrook Public Library
61 Godspeed Drive, Westbrook
7-8:30 PM
61 Godspeed Drive, Westbrook
7-8:30 PM
With Art Linares
The gun control dust up has awakened tens of thousands of formerly politically dormant Nutmeggers. Many people are surely riled-up but are unsure of what to do or where to go for help. If you know some, tell them about CCDL. Tell them about the Ct Restoration Coalition as a conduit for finding answers.
A slew of people have already announced their intentions of challenging incumbent legislators in 2014. We’re forming committees of volunteers in each of the 36 state senate districts. You can become part of this process,. You can find candidates, recruit them and help all along the way. And the vetting will be your job.
So if you haven’t yet replied to our request to identify your state senator please help us complete the lists. Several are in excess of 30 already. Our goal is to acquire at least 50 volunteers in each district. These grass roots congregations will then either bypass or affirm the establishment candidates. Strength is in numbers. If you’re tired of playing 2nd fiddle to the usual way of doing things, you have an opportunity and a duty to do better.
Our goal is noble. We work to flip the General Assembly. Replace the liberals from both parties with decent conservatives chosen from WE THE PEOPLE. We saw many of our future candidates at the hearings last month.
2013 is a municipal election year. Seriously consider stepping up to run in your local races. Planning and Zoning, Boards of Ed. and Finance, etc. That’s the place to start. We’ve been observers too long. We MUST be participants! There is no alternative.
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. (Samuel Adams)
So pass the matches……….
Sheriff Killed For 2nd Amendment Support? Has ‘War’ Been Declared On Law-Abiding Sheriffs & Politicians In America?
Was Mingo County, West Virginia Sheriff Eugene Crum assassinated because of his support of the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution? It sure seems to me like an AWFUL LOT of 2nd Amendment supporters have been 'whacked' lately. What are they doing, getting CIA patsy'sto knock-off law abiding 2nd Amendment supporters one by one? We KNOW FOR A FACTthat the CIA has had the 'technology' to program MKUltra assassins since AT LEAST 1954; don't believe it? Check out the document below! Something is TERRIBLY WRONG in Barack Obama's America! How long will America continue to allow these assassinations and the gutting of our Constitution to go on? Please pray for the family of Eugene Crum. Much more below.
An email from Sheriff Richard Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is directly below.:
It is a tragic and very sad day for all Americans, that we have learned of the assassination of Sheriff Eugene Crum of Mingo County, West Virginia. Sheriff Crum was very dedicated to his community and he will be sorely missed. The CSPOA and all its members and staff extend our most heartfelt condolences to Sheriff Crum's family and the Mingo County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Crum was shot shortly after noon today near the courthouse in Mingo County. A suspect is in custody. (CIA MKULTRA PATSY???!!!!!)
CIA Document Mori ID: 190691, page 1
Title: Hypnotic Experimentation and Research
Date: 10 February 1954
To check the veracity of this document, order it directly from the CIA as an individual document, or as part of the three CD set of declassified CIA mind control documents. Ordering instructions available here.
*Angy adult language warning in the video below*
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Connecticut: Governor’s Commission Releases Onerous Anti-Gun Proposal
Today the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, established by Governor Dan Malloy (D) to develop “meaningful” proposals regarding public safety and mental health, released areport that offers their interim recommendations for legislative and policy changes. Given the report released today, it is clear that the true goal of this commission is to impose onerous gun control regulations on law-abiding gun owners in Connecticut.
The section of the report entitled “Firearms and Ammunition” will do nothing to reduce crime, and will severely infringe upon the rights of all law-abiding citizens. This proposal would be incredibly costly and time consuming for gun owners, discriminate against hunters and sportsmen, and severely infringe upon your inherent right to self-defense and your ability to protect your loved ones.
The misguided proposal suggests the following changes to Connecticut’s current gun laws:
· Criminalize the private transfer of a firearm
· Require registration of all firearms
· Require more frequent permit renewals and burdensome training requirements
· Ban magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds
· Ban ammunition commonly used for hunting and self-defense
· Prohibit the purchase of ammunition unless it is being purchased for a registered firearm
· Prohibit online ammunition purchases
· Impose restrictions on the amount of ammunition that may be purchased
· Prohibit the sale, possession and transfer of all firearms capable of firing more than ten rounds without reloading, including handguns.This proposal could effectively ban the sale, transfer, and possession of most magazine fed semi-automatic handgun, rifles and shotguns made today.
None of these recommendations would have prevented the tragedy in Newtown where the firearms were legally purchased by their owner after passing a background check and subsequently stolen. The perpetrator of this heinous crime carried those firearms concealed without a permit in violation of CT law, violated the federal "gun-free school zone" and committed multiple counts of murder of innocent children and adults.
These proposals put forward by the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission will only serve to burden and disenfranchise law-abiding gun owners. Moving forward, we encourage this commission, state legislators and Governor Malloy to focus on real solutions to the current problems we face in Connecticut, including school security and improving the broken mental health system.
Please call AND e-mail your state legislators and respectfully express your
opposition to these recommendations by clicking here:
Also, please contact Governor Malloy and respectfully express your opposition to these radical gun control proposals.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Sky is Falling said Chicken Little, Is it True or Conspiracy?
We keep hearing that the sky is falling, the sky falling. What I mean by that is that
there are so many people out there that are saying that they are economy is
collapsing and that there’s going to be martial law declared in the United
States. Meanwhile Congress and state
legislatures are looking to disarm the American public, law-abiding citizens
that really haven’t done anything wrong, just because of the type of weapon they own,
an AR 15 is not an assault weapon assault weapon is one has full automatic for
burst capabilities. They keep wanting to change the definition of an assault
weapon assault weapon is anything that has offensive capabilities and full
automatic capabilities. A semiautomatic weapon is not an offense of weapon because
you pull one trigger one-shot fires and that is it, you have to pull the
trigger again to fire another semiautomatics especially an AR 15 is a very good
domestic and home protection weapon is very easily handle, women don’t have a
problem using it once they are trained on it. When I have a hard time
controlling a shotgun especially if it’s a shotgun slug and its pressure is all the way up. If a woman
is going to buy a shotgun, she should keep in mind amount of that kick or
recoil the weapon has and take that into consideration.
The discussion of what weapons Americans can own and cannot
own or capacity of the magazine and is being debated in state legislatures and
Congress. Gun sales and ammunition sales have gone through the roof and so have
their prices. Getting so expensive to buy ammunition the government may get
their wish that maybe it the American public has the guns but doesn’t have the
ammunition to fire those guns.
As far as the collapsing of the economy, you need to pay
attention to how many dollars by a barrel of oil. As the dollar devaluates it
takes more dollars to buy a barrel of oil. And this is away can really
calibrate the value of a dollar. You really can’t get a good feel of the dollar
from comparing it to other foreign currencies like the British pound or the
Japanese yen because most of these currencies are also losing their buying
power. Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the daughter has lost
90% of its value since 1913. The Chinese yuan and the Russian ruble are
actually start to take over as the reserve currencies because they are based on
a gold standard now and many other countries are buying a lot of goals also
especially Saudi Arabia which has now almost 400 tons of gold. This is because
they see the collapse of the dollar romances that most Americans don’t see the
collapse of the dollar as their comparing it to the stock market which has been
artificially inflated by the United States Federal Reserve printing out money
to keep the stock market relatively stable this was called quantitative easing.
As soon as the Fed stops printing money you will see a sudden drop in the stock
market. People like, Celente say that the stock market is over inflated that
the actual words of the stock market is only between 20 and 30% of the dollar
amount, because of the persistent printing of money. Our founding fathers
thought that the central bank would be the downfall of the Republic, because
one institution in charge of monetary policy for the country would be too much
As far as the country declaring martial law, we are seeing a
soft version of martial law as of right now increased police presence on
highways and in urban areas. As far as the department of homeland security
their so-called viper teams I haven’t seen any of those. But if you look at
Mayor Bloomberg and New York City which seems to be a testing ground for a
totalitarian government banning 2 L bottles of soda, 1 L bottles of soda, 32
ounce cups or higher of soda, this guy really hates fricken soda. I think this
is Mayor Bloomberg’s way of pushing the American people especially, New Yorkers
to the brink of rebellion, because they will get tired of it. They already have
metal detectors or screening devices on the streets of New York in certain
areas where people have to walk through and be scanned as if they were going to
court or any secured area. They also have a policy of stop and frisk which is a
total invasion of privacy and our fourth amendment rights as American citizens.
Barack Obama, also considered the Blamer-in-chief, has cited
bill that limits free speech, and freedom of assembly to redress grievances
against the government, known as free speech zones. I think cities in the
United States have been doing a limited breach of the First Amendment for a
long time, by requiring permits to assemble, protests, and redress grievances
from our government officials. You cannot protest or assemble by elected
officials office, who we elected and pay for with our tax dollars, who doesn’t
really represent “We the People.” These government officials represent those
people or corporations that have contributed the most amount of money to their
campaign for reelection or election. This means that we are now a corporatocracy.
Our elected officials represent banks, corporations, large businesses and a
very very rich. Which maybe a drawback of being a Republic, because even in
Rome when it was a Republic the Senators accumulated so much power by
contributions by other rich merchants and the Republic that the people went
hungry and homeless. This brought on Julius Caesar, who was a soldier and a
commander who do people to look up to as a hero and a leader. The problem was
the issues of the people were never really address the hunger and homelessness
Many people don’t realize that Obama was the one that came
up with the sequester in 2009, but as a result of his $1 trillion over budget
deficit our debt continue to grow while Pres. Obama thought he had a blank check.
During his first four years, doubled the number of people on food stamps and
increased on the number of people collecting Social Security. That is not to
mention, that Pres. Obama also did away with the work requirement for food
stamps. He also made loans and grants more available to college students, who
cannot get jobs in their areas because of the unemployment and a lack of real
jobs market. So this outstanding student loan debt is not being paid back which
only adds to the deficit you have more. There are some speculations on how much
debt the United States actually happens, some economists have said that are
actual deficit to gross national product is almost 500%. I do understand that
Pres. Obama had to raise taxes on everybody across the board but there are too
many billionaires that are exempt from taxes. He also said that he will only
tax people that had $250,000 in income a year, but like most of his promises
the also can’t tax the lower income people to the point that it is going to
kill our economy. Pres. Obama blames the sequester on the Republicans when is
the responsibility of the executive branch to come up with a balanced budget
which she has not done in four years. So the only response to this emergency of
the debt crisis is sequestration. The biggest areas that are being affected by
the sequestration is the Department of Defense and their subcontractors, which
means the loss of many more jobs so more people will be collecting unemployment.
But the major issue that I is that the sequestration will have little effect on
the Department of Homeland Security because the secretary of Homeland security
will allow any cuts to be made in her programs.
What does this mean for common American? Well first start,
the US dollar will start losing its buying power which means gas, food even
water will become more more expensive. This may result in food riots in major
metropolitan areas, because most supermarkets only carry three days worth of
food in their stocks. As gasoline gets the point to where the trucks can’t
transport the food into an urban area, people start starving and they will get
more violent in order to survive. So if you live in an urban area, make sure
you have either a bug out plan or a bug in plan. There will be people going
from apartment to apartment and house to house trying to find to food, and
sooner or later they will come to your apartment or house and what are you
going to do. If the government continues to try to disarm the American public,
we will be defenseless against these roving gangs of people looking for food
and water and maybe even guns. If you think you’re not at risk, think again.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Be prepared!
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 19:08:00 -0700
NESARA- Restore America - Galactic News
Do you have a gun in the house?
When I had my gangrene gallbladder taken out and spent 10 days in the hospital for what should have been an overnight stay the insurance company kicked me out. I had home nurse visits for two weeks and was asked if I had guns in the house. I respond that if I did I would not tell them. So the below has some merit.
FYI, I am passing this along... there are comments from two other people I have also been asked if we keep guns in the house. The nurse just kinda slipped it in along with all the other regular questions. I told her I refused to answer because it was against the law to ask.
Everyone, whether you have guns or not, should give a neutral answer so they have no idea who does and who doesn't. My doctor asked me if I had guns in my house and also if any were loaded. I, of course, answered yes to both questions. Then he asked why I kept a loaded gun close to my bed. I answered that my son, who is a certified gun instructor and also works for Homeland Security, advised me that an unloaded, locked up gun is no protection against criminal attack.
The Government now requires these questions be asked of people on Medicare, and probably everyone else.
Just passing this along for your information: I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation.. One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your damn business!!
So it is out there! It is either an insurance issue or government intervention. Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (as they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!
Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners... Thanks, from a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer: I had a doctor's appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions: 1. Did I feel stressed? 2. Did I feel threatened? 3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?
The nurse then informed me that if I had answered yes to any of the questions I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security.
Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have? Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner, veteran or not, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !
If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.
They are coming for us, so unless you're an ostrich, do not stick your head in the sand..........
When I had my gangrene gallbladder taken out and spent 10 days in the hospital for what should have been an overnight stay the insurance company kicked me out. I had home nurse visits for two weeks and was asked if I had guns in the house. I respond that if I did I would not tell them. So the below has some merit.
FYI, I am passing this along... there are comments from two other people I have also been asked if we keep guns in the house. The nurse just kinda slipped it in along with all the other regular questions. I told her I refused to answer because it was against the law to ask.
Everyone, whether you have guns or not, should give a neutral answer so they have no idea who does and who doesn't. My doctor asked me if I had guns in my house and also if any were loaded. I, of course, answered yes to both questions. Then he asked why I kept a loaded gun close to my bed. I answered that my son, who is a certified gun instructor and also works for Homeland Security, advised me that an unloaded, locked up gun is no protection against criminal attack.
The Government now requires these questions be asked of people on Medicare, and probably everyone else.
Just passing this along for your information: I had to visit a doctor other than my regular doctor when my doctor was on vacation.. One of the questions on the form I had to fill out was: Do you have any guns in your house?? My answer was None of your damn business!!
So it is out there! It is either an insurance issue or government intervention. Either way, it is out there and the second the government gets into your medical records (as they want to under Obamacare) it will become a major issue and will ultimately result in lock and load!!
Please pass this on to all the other retired guys and gun owners... Thanks, from a Vietnam Vet and retired Police Officer: I had a doctor's appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday and found out something very interesting that I would like to pass along. While going through triage before seeing the doctor, I was asked at the end of the exam, three questions: 1. Did I feel stressed? 2. Did I feel threatened? 3. Did I feel like doing harm to someone?
The nurse then informed me that if I had answered yes to any of the questions I would have lost my concealed carry permit as it would have gone into my medical records and the VA would have reported it to Homeland Security.
Looks like they are going after the vets first. Other gun people like retired law enforcement will probably be next. Then when they go after the civilians, what argument will they have? Be forewarned and be aware. The Obama administration has gone on record as considering veterans and gun owners potential terrorists. Whether you are a gun owner, veteran or not, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED !
If you know veterans and gun owners, please pass this on to them. Be very cautious about what you say and to whom.
They are coming for us, so unless you're an ostrich, do not stick your head in the sand..........
If you forward this e-mail, please highlight and delete the forward
history, which includes my e-mail address. It is a courtesy to me and
others who do not wish to have their e-mail addresses sent all over the
world. Deleting the history helps prevent Spammers from "harvesting"
addresses and viruses from being spread.
Monday, February 25, 2013
The new enemies of the state and the US government, constitutionalists, gunowners, anti-Muslim
Made this video to put out a warning to all Americans who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Because you and I are enemies of the state. The United States is gone. AmeriKa is born. We live in a police state even though some may not have to have gone through checkpoints, unconstitutional searches and seizures. The government has already put into action their anti-gun agenda, socialist and communist agendas. If you think this is not true, then look up the National Defense authorization act of 2012 and 2013, the executive order of Pres. Obama called the national resources Defense preparedness. You also need to look at the bills that are in Congress and the Senate about gun control legislation. That can be looked up that and if you sign up for on their email list they will send you a list of all the legislation that is going to be brought forth in the coming week. Anyone who owns a gun that is semiautomatic, as more than one military characteristic, handguns semiautomatic all these will be outlawed by July or August of this year 2013. You enemies of the state also have to pay attention to what your state legislature is doing right now. State legislatures and governors are proposing anti-gun bills all over the country. Get informed, wake the hell up and pay attention or you will die.
Friday, February 22, 2013
(UPDATED) Disturbing Report: Veterans are receiving letters from VA prohibiting the ownership or purchase of firearms... Developing...
Written By Constitutional Attorney Michael Connelly, J.D.
How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.
What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?
That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.
The letter provides no specifics on the reasons for the proposed finding of incompetency; just that is based on a determination by someone in the VA. In every state in the United States no one can be declared incompetent to administer their own affairs without due process of law and that usually requires a judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent. This is a requirement of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states that no person shall “… be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law…”.
Obviously, the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t be bothered by such impediments as the Constitution, particularly since they are clearly pushing to fulfill one of Obama’s main goals, the disarming of the American people. Janet Napolitano has already warned law enforcement that some of the most dangerous among us are America’s heroes, our veterans, and now according to this letter from the VA they can be prohibited from buying or even possessing a firearm because of a physical or mental disability.
Think about it, the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend us and our Constitution are now having their own Constitutional rights denied. There are no clear criteria for the VA to declare a veteran incompetent. It can be the loss of a limb in combat, a head injury, a diagnosis of PTSD, or even a soldier just telling someone at the VA that he or she is depressed over the loss of a buddy in combat. In none of these situations has the person been found to be a danger to themselves or others. If that was the case than all of the Americans who have suffered from PTSD following the loss of a loved one or from being in a car accident would also have to be disqualified from owning firearms. It would also mean that everyone who has ever been depressed for any reason should be disarmed. In fact, many of the veterans being deprived of their rights have no idea why it is happening.
The answer seems to be it is simply because they are veterans. At the USJF we intend to find the truth by filing a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Veterans Affairs to force them to disclose the criteria they are using to place veterans on the background check list that keeps them from exercising their Second Amendment rights. Then we will take whatever legal steps are necessary to protect our American warriors.
The reality is that Obama will not get all of the gun control measures he wants through Congress, and they wouldn’t be enough for him anyway. He wants a totally disarmed America so there will be no resistance to his plans to rob us of our nation. That means we have to ask who will be next. If you are receiving a Social Security check will you get one of these letters? Will the government declare that you are incompetent because of your age and therefore banned from firearm ownership. It certainly fits in with the philosophy and plans of the Obama administration. It is also certain that our military veterans don’t deserve this and neither do any other Americans.
-- Michael Connelly, J.D.
Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation
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How would you feel if you received a letter from the U.S. Government informing you that because of a physical or mental condition that the government says you have it is proposing to rule that you are incompetent to handle your own financial affairs? Suppose that letter also stated that the government is going to appoint a stranger to handle your affairs for you at your expense? That would certainly be scary enough but it gets worse.
What if that letter also stated: “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”?
That makes is sound like something right from a documentary on a tyrannical dictatorship somewhere in the world. Yet, as I write this I have a copy of such a letter right in front of me. It is being sent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of America’s heroes. In my capacity as Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) I have been contacted by some of these veterans and the stories I am getting are appalling.
The letter provides no specifics on the reasons for the proposed finding of incompetency; just that is based on a determination by someone in the VA. In every state in the United States no one can be declared incompetent to administer their own affairs without due process of law and that usually requires a judicial hearing with evidence being offered to prove to a judge that the person is indeed incompetent. This is a requirement of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states that no person shall “… be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law…”.
Obviously, the Department of Veterans Affairs can’t be bothered by such impediments as the Constitution, particularly since they are clearly pushing to fulfill one of Obama’s main goals, the disarming of the American people. Janet Napolitano has already warned law enforcement that some of the most dangerous among us are America’s heroes, our veterans, and now according to this letter from the VA they can be prohibited from buying or even possessing a firearm because of a physical or mental disability.
Think about it, the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend us and our Constitution are now having their own Constitutional rights denied. There are no clear criteria for the VA to declare a veteran incompetent. It can be the loss of a limb in combat, a head injury, a diagnosis of PTSD, or even a soldier just telling someone at the VA that he or she is depressed over the loss of a buddy in combat. In none of these situations has the person been found to be a danger to themselves or others. If that was the case than all of the Americans who have suffered from PTSD following the loss of a loved one or from being in a car accident would also have to be disqualified from owning firearms. It would also mean that everyone who has ever been depressed for any reason should be disarmed. In fact, many of the veterans being deprived of their rights have no idea why it is happening.
The answer seems to be it is simply because they are veterans. At the USJF we intend to find the truth by filing a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Veterans Affairs to force them to disclose the criteria they are using to place veterans on the background check list that keeps them from exercising their Second Amendment rights. Then we will take whatever legal steps are necessary to protect our American warriors.
The reality is that Obama will not get all of the gun control measures he wants through Congress, and they wouldn’t be enough for him anyway. He wants a totally disarmed America so there will be no resistance to his plans to rob us of our nation. That means we have to ask who will be next. If you are receiving a Social Security check will you get one of these letters? Will the government declare that you are incompetent because of your age and therefore banned from firearm ownership. It certainly fits in with the philosophy and plans of the Obama administration. It is also certain that our military veterans don’t deserve this and neither do any other Americans.
-- Michael Connelly, J.D.
Executive Director, United States Justice Foundation
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