Sunday, April 7, 2013


Welcome to the hundreds of new people from all across Connecticut who have signed on to this newsletter in the past week. Sometimes we will be a prism of information; sometimes a laser beam finely focused on one issue or event.
Last night in Southington Jim Vicevich delivered a hopeful and heartening message to the full house. Jim is ALL IN with us. To see some of the pictures from the event you can go to Facebook at!/groups/568388553186435/ . Be sure to click to join.
Robert "Boomer" Steed also attended. If you're unfamiliar with his name, you might remember this video.
Our Twitter Team helped sent it viral. If you're proficient in social media, please consider becoming part of our Twitter Team. Just send a reply to this email.
Last week Boomer was invited to appear on Fox News Channel live.
And Boomer will be on live with Jim Vicevich Monday morning at 9:30 AM
WTIC 1080 AM. It's a 50,000 watt station.

Connecticut Senate Minority Leader, John McKinney, will host a town hall meeting Monday night in Danbury and another in Westbrook on Tuesday. These are great opportunities to hear about the Governor's proposed budget. But I'm sure another issue will be discussed.
Broadview Middle School Auditorium
72 Hospital Avenue, Danbury
7-8:30 PM
With Dan Carter, Richard Smith (no relation) and Mike McLachlan.
Westbrook Public Library
61 Godspeed Drive, Westbrook
7-8:30 PM
With Art Linares
The gun control dust up has awakened tens of thousands of formerly politically dormant Nutmeggers. Many people are surely riled-up but are unsure of what to do or where to go for help. If you know some, tell them about CCDL Tell them about the Ct Restoration Coalition as a conduit for finding answers.
A slew of people have already announced their intentions of challenging incumbent legislators in 2014. We’re forming committees of volunteers in each of the 36 state senate districts. You can become part of this process,. You can find candidates, recruit them and help all along the way. And the vetting will be your job.
So if you haven’t yet replied to our request to identify your state senator please help us complete the lists. Several are in excess of 30 already. Our goal is to acquire at least 50 volunteers in each district. These grass roots congregations will then either bypass or affirm the establishment candidates. Strength is in numbers. If you’re tired of playing 2nd fiddle to the usual way of doing things, you have an opportunity and a duty to do better.
Our goal is noble. We work to flip the General Assembly. Replace the liberals from both parties with decent conservatives chosen from WE THE PEOPLE. We saw many of our future candidates at the hearings last month.
2013 is a municipal election year. Seriously consider stepping up to run in your local races. Planning and Zoning, Boards of Ed. and Finance, etc. That’s the place to start. We’ve been observers too long. We MUST be participants! There is no alternative.
It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. (Samuel Adams)
So pass the matches……….

Sheriff Killed For 2nd Amendment Support? Has ‘War’ Been Declared On Law-Abiding Sheriffs & Politicians In America?

Was Mingo County, West Virginia Sheriff Eugene Crum assassinated because of his support of the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution? It sure seems to me like an AWFUL LOT of 2nd Amendment supporters have been 'whacked' lately. What are they doing, getting CIA patsy'sto knock-off law abiding 2nd Amendment supporters one by one? We KNOW FOR A FACTthat the CIA has had the 'technology' to program MKUltra assassins since AT LEAST 1954; don't believe it?  Check out the document below! Something is TERRIBLY WRONG in Barack Obama's America! How long will America continue to allow these assassinations and the gutting of our Constitution to go on? Please pray for the family of Eugene Crum. Much more below.

An email from Sheriff Richard Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is directly below.:

It is a tragic and very sad day for all Americans, that we have learned of the assassination of Sheriff Eugene Crum of Mingo County, West Virginia. Sheriff Crum was very dedicated to his community and he will be sorely missed. The CSPOA and all its members and staff extend our most heartfelt condolences to Sheriff Crum's family and the Mingo County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Crum was shot shortly after noon today near the courthouse in Mingo County. A suspect is in custody. (CIA MKULTRA PATSY???!!!!!)

CIA Document Mori ID: 190691, page 1

Title: Hypnotic Experimentation and Research                
Date: 10 February 1954

To check the veracity of this document, order it directly from the CIA as an individual document, or as part of the three CD set of declassified CIA mind control documents. Ordering instructions available here.

*Angy adult language warning in the video below*

Breaking News: Colorado State Police And Homeland Security Target Christians As Anti-patriots from Before it's News

I recently received a letter from one of law enforcement’s finest.  He had attended a seminar in which he was told to be on the lookout for Christians.  The letter was written by an attendee, Ron Trowbridge, Undersheriff in Prowers County, Colorado.  I would like to thank Sheriff Trowbridge for the letter and the 25 years he has spent protecting the public in his county.  Fear of reprisals from either the Colorado State Police and Homeland Security, fail to stop this patriot from exposing what our law officers are being subjected to.  Because of his bravery, we are able to get an inside look on how nefarious forces within our government are attempting to indoctrinate our law officers.  As this letter proves, our officers cannot be intimidated. Nor can they be turned on the people they serve.  The people of Prowers County are very lucky to have him.
Without further delay, here is the letter and complete in it’s original form:
From: PRIVACY To: PRIVACY Subject: CSP Training Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 10:30:22 -0600
On April 1, 2013 I attended training in La Junta, Colorado hosted by the Colorado State Patrol (CSP).  The training was from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and covered two topics, Sovereign Citizens, and Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.  I was pretty familiar with motorcycle gangs but since we often deal with the so-called sovereign citizen groups I was interested to see what they had to say.  The group consisted of police officers, deputies, and CSP troopers.  There were about 20 people in attendance.
Trooper Joe Kluczynski taught a 2-hour section on sovereign citizens.  Kluczynski spent most of his two hours focusing on how, in his view and apparently the view of Homeland Security, people turn to the sovereign citizen movement.  Kluczynski started off by saying there are probably some sovereign citizens in this room and gave a generalized list of those groups that have sovereign citizen views.  Among those groups, Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and “fundamentalists”.  Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by “fundamentalists” but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or “too seriously.”
While Kluczynski emphasized that sovereign citizens have a right to their beliefs, he was clearly teaching that the groups he had listed should be watched by law enforcement and should be treated with caution because of their potential to assault law enforcement.  Kluczynski explained why he believed these groups were dangerous saying they were angry over the election of a black president.  When someone in the group suggested the failing economy was probably much more to blame, Kluczynski intimated that those who are not going along with the changes in America will need to be controlled by law enforcement.  Kluczynski even later questioned some of the troopers present if they were willing and prepared to confiscate “illegal” weapons if ordered to.
Kluczynski’s assignment with the CSP was an Analyst for the Colorado Information Analysis Center, (CIAC).  CIAC is funded by Homeland Security funds and run by the CSP.  Kluczynski said he gets his information from the Department of Homeland Security.  Kluczynski said he was leaving the CSP at the end of that week (March 29, 2013) to begin his new career with Homeland Security.  I thought he was perfect for the job.
Ron Trowbridge
Prowers County Sheriff’s Office
Wow!  This is a powerful letter, written incredibly well and I was blown away when I read it.  My question for Kluczynski would be this:  “If we look at recent mass murderers such as former officer Chris Dorner, who went on a rampage and killed 5 people and wounding others, Adam Lanza, the shooter at Newtown, James Holmes, who killed 12 and wounded many more, Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 fellow servicemen,  or even Gabby Gifford’s shooter , Jared Lee Loughner, all were liberals except Hasan who is a Muslim terrorist. Why are you lecturing on Christians, who do not commit these type of killings?  Why are you not lecturing officers on Muslims and liberals?”
Obviously, it was not his intent to prevent any further killings in the future but to defame Christians and to label them as racists because they oppose the disastrous policies of President Barack Obama.  In my personal opinion, we have more to fear from propaganda merchants like  Kluczynski, than we would ever have from Christians.  Thank God we have men such as Sheriff Trowbridge, who cannot be corrupted or silenced.  I will monitor the situation, in case he is harassed or faces reprisals and I hope I can count on all of you to make your voices heard, should he need our help.
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