Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Emergency: National Association For Gun Rights

For the past several hours, I’ve been feverishly working Senate phone lines.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is preparing to break through Senator Rand Paul’s filibuster as early asWednesday afternoon, convinced pro-gun Republicans will run for the hills at the first sign of a fight. 

Richard, without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid he just may be right

That’s why it’s absolutely vital you sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY

My staff has delivered 192,673 Emergency Fax Petitions to U.S. Senate offices in just the last 72 hours.

If you have already signed your petition, please forward the Emergency Fax Petition to everyone you know and ask them to take action.

You see, as of right now, one dozen Senators have pledged to join Senator Paul’s filibuster. 

That means you and I need to pressure 28 other Senators to stave off Senate Majority Leader Reid’s scheme. 

Other Senators are cowering in the shadows and riding the fence. 

But there’s a handful who are conspiring to hand President Obama everything he wants. 

In fact, the message Senator John McCain delivered yesterday on CBS’ Face the Nation was crystal clear to anyone listening, saying “I don’t understand” why Senator Paul was filibustering the motion to proceed to debate. 

Richard, Senator McCain’s underlying message was as hard to miss as it was outrageous . . . 

“Senate Republicans should trust President Obama and Harry Reid.” 

Anyone with half a brain and a shred of concern for our Second Amendment rights should see why this would be a horrible strategy to allow Harry Reid to bring ANY gun bill to the floor. 

In fact, just this past Friday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid laid his strategy bare in a radio interview on Nevada Public Radio, saying:
*** “We’re going to do something on background checks [NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION].”
*** “We’re going to take a look at the size of clips or magazines.”
*** “And when it’s all over, we’re going to have votes on [the Feinstein Gun Ban].”
As I’ve warned you from the beginning, as soon as a gun bill reaches the floor for debate, Senate Majority Leader Reid will be free to horse-trade and deal with supposedly “pro-gun” Democrats vulnerable for reelection and weak-kneed Republicans to see just how much of President Obama’s anti-gun agenda they can ram into law. 

The only thing stopping them until this point was convincing a well-known “pro-gun” conservative Republican to help them break Senator Paul’s filibuster

Knowing just how heated the gun issue is, many vulnerable Democrats were wary of “stepping out on the ledge” and having the gun issue spell their defeat in 2014. 

The solution? 

Being able to say such a scheme was “bipartisan” and “even pro-Second Amendment Republicans supported it.” 

That’s why, for weeks, they’ve been shopping around a “compromise” to weak-kneed GOP Senators they think they can work with. 

First it was Tom Coburn (R-OK). Then Chuck Grassley (IA). 

Now Pat Toomey (R-PA) is in “talks” with Obama’s anti-gun Senate ringleader Joe Manchin (D-WV). 

Richard, I haven’t heard any news of a smoky backroom deal being struck yet. 

But Senator Reid’s decision to try and break through Senator Paul’s filibuster as soon as Wednesday makes me fear for the worst. 

That’s why you and I have to turn up the heat IMMEDIATELY. 

You see, this may be our last best chance to defeat the bill. 

Already, GOP leaders in the House have passed three bills with majority Democrat support -- even when a majority of Republicans have opposed the bills. 

Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are keeping their mouths zipped, refusing to say whether or not they’ll do the same thing on guns. 

Richard, you and I both know their silence means Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are planning to betray Second Amendment supporters

I hate to be so cynical, but that is the ugly truth. 

So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition IMMEDIATELY

And if you can, please forward this email to every pro-gun friend and family member you have. 

Finally, if you possible can, won’t you please chip in just $10 or $20

Every dollar you give means I can turn up even more pressure on the Senate -- and hopefully smoke out any Senate Republican backstabber before the motion to proceed to any anti-gun scheme is voted on. 

You and I can win this fight. 

But only if we take action IMMEDIATELY. 

So please sign your Emergency Fax Petition at once

There’s no time to waste. 

For Freedom, 

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

NEW Presidential Memorandum -- Presidential Determination on Eligibility of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended

SUBJECT: Presidential Determination on Eligibility of the Federal Republic of Somalia to Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as Amended
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 503(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, I hereby find that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services to the Federal Republic of Somalia will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace.
You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination, and attached memorandum of justification, to the Congress and to arrange for the publication of this determination in the Federal Register.

Fake Adam Lanza School ID Confirmed

by drkresearch

Fake Adam Lanza School ID Confirmed

Who are these desperate corrupt ones who would do this? Do they not think that the world can realize their crimes? How do these hostile ones believe they can get away with perpetrating such a corruption, merely fabricating this photo in a computer lab?
There is nothing about this photo which is legitimate? Who did this, the Mossad? Are they such amateurs?
This is obviously not the real Adam Lanza. Did he develop whites all about his eyes just in the run-up before the 'massacre'? Is there even a single drug in this universe that can create such a bug-eyed appearance, not merely bug-eyed but actually causing the sclera to show all around the eyes? This is ludicrous and it is even more ludicrous that they believed they could get away with this.
Adam Lanza (young) photos

In all known pictures of Adam Lanza, his real face, there are no whites showing either above or below the eyes. Fright before a camera or even the flash of the camera could never cause this. Stop lying: no one believes you.
The sources for this fraud are largely the tabloid newspapers, like the New York Daily News and the Toronto Sun, although the ultimate source is the Rothschild cabal through its thieving, lying entity, Reuters.
The caption under the Toronto Sun's photo is as follows:
Newtown school gunman Adam Lanza is seen in an undated identification photo released by Western Connecticut State University. (REUTERS/Western Connecticut State University/Handout)
Here is another example, published by NBC:

New photo of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza released with college records

Western Connecticut State University
Undated student ID photo of Adam Lanza from Western Connecticut State University.
Note: it is hated to repeat lies, here; however, the purposeful and malicious nature of the Zionist-controlled media can be seen here by its unbridled willingness to tell categorical lies merely to maintain its plots.
By Tracy Connor, Staff Writer, NBC News
A new photo of Sandy Hook massacre gunman Adam Lanza has emerged: a college ID snapshot that shows him staring wide-eyed into the camera as though scared out of his wits.
The picture, one of just a few that have been made public since the Dec. 14 shooting at a Connecticut elementary school, was part of Lanza's records from Western Connecticut State University, where he took classes in 2008 and 2009.
There is nothing in the documents that would foreshadow the monstrous attack, just a few odd notes.
When he took a placement exam in May 2008, Lanza refused to answer some background questions — including his gender.
Asked whether he had a "documented disabling condition" that could impact his test scores, he said no — although his mother had told people he had Asperger's disease, which is low on the autism spectrum.
Lanza was just 16 at the time, but he scored high on the test — in the 90th percentile. The records also show he registered for a precalculus class, but it's unclear if he ever took it.
He did take three computer science courses, earning an A and an A-minus in two of them, and American history, where he received an A-minus.
Editor's note: They can claim all they want that this is a real photo, yet what about it is real? It has already been proven on this site that there is no way he could develop whites showing around his eyes out of nowhere, and even the so-called fright couldn't do this. Thus, this was fabricated and attributed by Reuters to the University.
The following is another write-up from the lying tabloids. Of note, the arch-scoundrel and fabricator Marvin LaFontaine must be vigorously investigated, since he is a key and new cover-up agent on the scene:
Nancy Lanza, the mother of Newtown shooter Adam Lanza, had grown increasingly concerned about her son's state of mind but did not confront him after finding ghastly images in his room two weeks before the Dec. 14 school massacre, New York's Daily News reports.
News reporters Matthew Lysiak and Bill Hutchinson report on e-mails they obtained that were sent by Nancy Lanza to a friend in which she expressed her feelings on children, weapons and her 20-year-old son's mental state.
Editor's note: then, produce the emails (they will not; they are liars).
Nancy Lanza, who was fatally shot at the home she shared with Adam, was the first victim of the rampage that left 20 children and six adults dead at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Adam then took his own life.
A friend, Marvin LaFontaine, told the News that Nancy Lanza had said that Adam had a genetic disorder that had killed her grandfather and which she also had until it went into remission.
Adam had a form of autism and a sensory perception disorder that kept him from recognizing pain and caused him to recoil from being physically touched.
The newspaper says Nancy Lanza learned of her own condition in 1999, but did not tell her children.
She also had found her son falling deeper into a bizarre mindset, the newspaper reports, and in November, only two weeks before the shootings, found sketches of dead bodies in his room (making it up as you go along, just like the photo).
"One (drawing) had a woman clutching a religious item, like rosary beads, and holding a child, and she was getting all shot up in the back with blood flying everywhere," anunidentified friend told the Daily News.
"Nancy was disturbed, really disturbed, but didn't confront him," the friend said. "She wanted to think it over."
LaFontaine, a close friend, also told the newspaper that Nancy Lanza had been upset by Adam's treatment while a student at Sandy Hook.
"Nancy told me he was being picked on at school. That they were just torturing him," LaFontaine told the newspaper. "Adam was an easy target. He was quiet and he would never fight back. I think Adam felt betrayed by the school and this was his act of revenge."