Sunday, September 1, 2013

War in Syria Means the Destruction of the United States!

Right now we sit on the precipice of utter destruction as a nation. If the US was to attack Syria, the other nations with nuclear capability could destroy the United States as we know it. Russia, China and Iran all have nuclear capabilities. Russia and China both have intercontinental ballistic missiles and tactical nuclear weapons of low yield to take out military installations in cities. Pres. Obama is also allowed 15,000 Russian troops to be stationed within the United States borders which could pose a problem to Americans just trying to commute back and forth to work. Pres. Obama by getting us involved in a war with Syria, not could but would have serious consequences for 330 million Americans living in the United States today. We already have two wars that still haven’t been won and have been going on for 10 years or more. Pres. Obama has so many foreign-policy failures in my perspective that he should never be able to run a country. Now let’s look into foreign-policy failures of Pres. Obama, Benghazi Libya, fast and furious, trying to bully Russia, Egypt, the promotion of a former terrorist group in the United States and abroad the Muslim brotherhood. I am very thankful that Congress is finally stepping up and doing their job by halting President Obama’s aggression in the Middle East and Africa.

Many people don’t realize that because of the drought last year and several bread basket areas of the world that we are going to have major food inflation starting sometime at the end of 2013 the beginning of 2014. Most people have realized that their prices have gone up because the prices stayed the same while the containers are getting smaller. People need to take a picture of the containers that a picture of one month and next month the volume will be less from the month before. As people such as the Obaminators, support this man no matter what he does even if it’s illegal, by illegal I mean unconstitutional. This man is about to get us into a war where many Americans will die. If you don’t think so look at the sizes of the militaries of those countries involved. Russia has a 20 million man army which includes their Navy and air forces also. China has a 200 man army and could easily invade the United States from Mexico, the western seaboard and Alaska. Military analysts say that they’ll have to transport ships in order do a land invasion or seaborne invasion of the United States. Pres. Obama initiated the sequestration in the first place, which also has reduced our ability to fight back if invaded. Obama set the terms for the sequestration and it was not the administration’s responsibility for, not with an annual budget but congresses. I have never heard of a President’s administration not having an annual budget. I think it was laziness on the part of the president not have an annual budget submitted to Congress by the deadlines. But he transferred the blame for the sequester onto Congress when he was the person who wanted to sequester first place to undermine our military and show us is a weak country to other nations.

I pose the question that President Obama always wanted to sequestered to happen so he can do exactly what is happening today. Our military is at its lowest readiness I am ever seen as far as going up against major countries like Russia and China. Wars with these two countries are ones that we cannot win. And if you think we can, you’re just lying to yourself and drinking the Kool-Aid that Obama is putting out and yes that Kool-Aid has poison in it. Jim Jones wishes he had the amount of followers that Obama has, Italy killed off have the country.

We do have one ship that has 300 Marines, and not a total of about 50,000 troops in the area around Syria. The Russians have 300,000 troops pouring in to Syria and Iran has an estimated hundred thousand troops going through Iraq to Syria. The Russians and the Chinese both had the same kind of technology that United States does, we have no technological advantage over these countries. Sending our troops in the Syria will be a suicide mission for those troops and for what so our president can spread Muslim extremists throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Our president is not only a fool but maybe the king of all fools.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Is This The Most Unconstitutional Law In American History?.....Posted by Michael CHILDS, Admin II on April 24, 2013 at 1:05pm in Patriot Action Alerts

CISPA SC The Most Unconstitutional Law in American History
Last week, while our attention was diverted to the Boston Marathon bombing manhunt, the U.S. House of Representatives snuck in and struck a blow to civil liberties.
They passed new legislation called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA; and it has substantial implications for online freedom. Read More:
The Article V started in 1787 and so there is a lot of opinions out there – IMO most are not based in the actual language contained inside the four corners of the original Constitution. Many sites are selling fear and special interest ideas like a balanced budget, or a Line Item veto, or just rewrite many sections of the Constitution. Most have found little national support or support in the many State Legislatures.
The Article V Project to Restore Liberty is the only REPEAL AMENDMENT movement. If the Amendments that have allowed the Courts, the Executive and the Congress are just repealed it would return the power and the money to the MANY STATES as the Founders intended. No money in Washington means no bribing of voter blocks, no power to reward or penalize industries, no ability to social engineer, they would be forced back under the Articles I – II and III which will result in 10,000 lobbyist getting a PINK SLIP . . like thieves in the night they will be gone.
So, the AV project to Restore is without risk as it take two votes from 38+ State legislatures to pass and then be ratified – both sides of the argument are presented in the Library and other sections. No other Project has the research and fact base that backs and proves the viability of the ideas.
“There is no danger I apprehend so much as the consolidation of our government by the noiseless, and therefore un-alarming, instrumentality of the Supreme Court.” ~Thomas Jefferson
So the Liberal-Neo Communists and their RINO allies ran another knife into the back of America while nobody was looking? Gee, what a surprise. It just goes to show what a complete LIAR and ObamaPhile Weepy-Eyes Boehner is. The man cannot be trusted, he was bought by Obama long ago.
Of the two major political parties, the Republican Party is the greater threat to America. While the DemoCommies are mostly in front of America, the Repugnacrats are behind it, pinning its arms to prevent any real defense and steadily running knife after knife into its back.
This government has been gathering information on us since the Clinton years. It is just now that they have had the balls to actually build an information gathering center out in the open. NSC has made no secret of the facility. If ANYONE in the last thirty years has thought they had any semblance of privacy, it was just a great dream. How well do y’all really know the folk y’all hang out with? We have had satellites since the seventies that could resolve pictures to read a license plate. Who licenses IP addresses? Just who is your server provider if you have a website? How do y’all search the Internet? Privacy has been a fantasy for so long now that even old farts like me can’t even remember the day. President Eisenhower warned all of us in 1960 and we all just said “nah, not HERE!” Even way way before MY time, we created the OSS in WWII. Oh, and, surprise, surprise!! Joe McCarthy was RIGHT about our government being just a satellite of KGB, the State Department especially. Alger Hiss was part of FDR’s FIRST administration in 1933. And he wasn’t tried until the 1950′s, Although he was discovered AFTER WWII. So, we can protest all we want……..

Disciplined 8th-grader Jared Marcum Has More Balls Than Most Americans Three Times His Age

WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports

This 8th-grader is practicing his 1st Amendment by not letting the Communist, Social Democrats, Social State Run Educational system from removing any sense of self determination and expressing his opinion at the STUPIDITY of the New World Order, which Communist in nature.  I admire Jared for not letting the system crack him like the rest of his Brain-washed classmates.  The demonization of gun owners and their families continues to be systematic through out the country.  The State and Federal Governments think they are going to guilt Americans into giving up their guns, they are so naive and idiotic to even think such a thing.  The 2nd Amendment is in the US and all State Constitutions and the right to bare arms, form militias and defend ourselves against all enemies foreign and domestic is a right given by God and reinforced by the Constitution.  Jared I would like say "Keep it up Brother, I got your Six."