Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Disciplined 8th-grader Jared Marcum Has More Balls Than Most Americans Three Times His Age

WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports

This 8th-grader is practicing his 1st Amendment by not letting the Communist, Social Democrats, Social State Run Educational system from removing any sense of self determination and expressing his opinion at the STUPIDITY of the New World Order, which Communist in nature.  I admire Jared for not letting the system crack him like the rest of his Brain-washed classmates.  The demonization of gun owners and their families continues to be systematic through out the country.  The State and Federal Governments think they are going to guilt Americans into giving up their guns, they are so naive and idiotic to even think such a thing.  The 2nd Amendment is in the US and all State Constitutions and the right to bare arms, form militias and defend ourselves against all enemies foreign and domestic is a right given by God and reinforced by the Constitution.  Jared I would like say "Keep it up Brother, I got your Six."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

GunsAmerica Supports Interstate Tax Bill – 20 Points to Protect 2nd Amendment Freedom by GUNSAMERICA ACTUAL on APRIL 23, 2013

Hold your rotten tomatoes for a minute ok. There are important reasons why we need to level the playing field when it comes to internet sales, and gun sales in particular. I will primarily address guns. But beware that this isn’t a “soundbyte” explanation. Our attention spans have grown so thin that anything longer than a Facebook status tends to fall on deaf ears, and lazy readers. If you care about the future of 2nd Amendment freedom, you should support a nationwide internet sales tax. It will force merchants to do some work collecting taxes for states in which they do not reside, but remember, these are internet merchants who have very little if any other overhead. We have organized 20 points, but they are not to be taken individually. However you can jump to the end if you have to check your Facebook.
  1. Guns are mostly commoditized. Except for rare instances like we what we just experienced after Sandy Hook, everyone knows what guns go for, and rarely if ever does the actual retail price of a new firearm waver by more than 5%.
  2. Guns are a unique product, in that not only can they only be sold by licensed dealers who need a physical location for their business, there is no instance where a gun can be shipped for transfer to anyone but an actual dealer. Guns can never be shipped to the door of an unlicensed person.
  3. With guns, for over a decade now, consumers have treated the interstate sales tax exemption as a “replacement” for having to pay a transfer fee to their local dealer. They are oftentimes close in cost.
  4. This has led to “online gun retailers” who are able to charge a very low margin for their guns, because they do not have to finance the overhead of inventory, like you find in a stocked brick and mortar store.
  5. Brick and mortar stores are unable to compete with retailers that have no comparable overhead of inventory and employees.
  6. This has, in normal times of demand for guns, led to a “race to the bottom” with gun prices. But even in the recent artificial boom, it was mostly the brick and mortar stores that did not charge a premium for guns that were in danger of being banned.
  7. Local stocking gun dealers have become internet showrooms for guns, with many savvy consumers going to the stores to fondle the guns, then buying them online, only to ship them to a local “tabletop dealer” who carries an FFL license for a hobby.
  8. Stocking dealers do make money from transfers as well, but this is not close to anything resembling a “standard retail margin” of 20% – 50% that you see in most other retail environments. Margin for other retail hobbies, like bikes, boats, musical instruments, camping gear and even scrapbooking is in the 50% range.
  9. All of those industries have reacted to online sales with what is called “MAP” or “Minimum Advertised Price” to protect their brick and mortar stores. Except for a few gun companies, by and large the gun industry has not protected their stocking gun dealers in this manner, because we use a middle tier of distribution that is outside the control of the manufacturers themselves.
  10. Some of these wholesale distribution companies have been using direct online sales to consumers to drop ship guns for some of the more recognized online retailers.
  11. If you can imagine this with the only other product that must be shipped to a licensed “dealer,” pharmaceuticals, this would be like Pfizer allowing their warehouses to send your Lipitor to a neighbor tabletop dealer so you can avoid the sales tax at Walgreens.
  12. The difference is that the pharmaceutical industry is mostly made up of huge corporations, whereas the FFL gun dealers are for the most part Mom and Pop stores, or at best a small chain. Even our biggest chains like Cabelas only have stores numbering only in the dozens.
  13. Also, pharmaceuticals can be bought over state lines, whereas guns cannot in the case of handguns Federally, and many states prohibit the purchase of any guns outside the state at all.
  14. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the legal disadvantages that a gun dealer has as compared to other forms of retail. The BATFE can walk into a gun dealer at any time, with no appointment, and completely examine all records. Gun dealers have been forced to close for such things as abbreviating state names and allowing customers to use a middle initial instead of a full middle name. These particular issues have eased in past years, but abuses of gun dealers happen all the time without consumers ever knowing about them.
  15. WITHOUT ACTUAL BRICK AND MORTAR GUN DEALERS, YOU CAN’T BUY GUNS! Since the Gun Control Act of 1968, unlicensed individuals cannot sell guns as a business. Buyers have to fill out a form, #4473, that has to be kept on file at the dealer, and now the dealers have to perform background checks.
  16. You may feel that we only need “transfer dealers,” but if you look back to 1993, when the Brady Bill came into effect, we went from 300,000 gun dealers to under 50,000 almost overnight. This was caused by an increase in the FFL license fee from $30 to $600, and having to make a phone call (NICS) to sell a gun.
  17. If the FFL fee was again multiplied by 20x, or even 5x, the vast majority of remaining “tabletop” local dealers would shed their license. All that will be left standing are the brick and mortar dealers. This type of legislation could be passedOVERNIGHT right now with zero repercussions, and don’t think GunsAmerica is the only people who have thought this up. Bloomberg has a plan, and it is a virtual guarantee that something in that plan is going to create more hoops and expenses for FFL gun dealers.
  18. Before this crazy demand created by first the re-election of President Obama then Sandy Hook, gun dealers were fighting to keep their doors open. Demand had sunk to a low after the artificial boom of demand created by the 2008 elections, and a lot of big gun shops closed, unable to compete with online retailers while maintaining a respectable level of inventory and employees. Overall, gun sales were up, but a lot of this growth came from online. Growth in guns since 2008 was squandered on retailers that contribute little to the NRA, NSSF and the overall infrastructure of the gun purchase process itself, at the expense of brick and mortar dealers who generally do.
  19. Because our manufacturers and distributors have not been able to agree on a MAP pricing system like other retail industries, guns have become a devalued product, going for much less than they should with proper retail margins. There are most likely less man-hours of work that go into a Cannondale bicycle or a Gibson guitar than a Ruger firearm, yet the Ruger Firearm is 1/4 the price of the bike and the guitar. Cannondale and Gibson both have very strict MAP.
  20. Gun dealers have to exist if we want to buy guns . Stocking dealers are the only FFL dealers who will be around should the government raise FFL fees and record keeping requirements. The gun industry has no MAP to protect its brick and mortar retailers. We must remove the additional sales tax incentive to buying guns online instead of at our local stocking gun dealers.
You see, save your tomatoes for Bloomberg. This is a fairly cut and dried case for guns. And as for the rest of retail, again, remember that online retailers have no other real overhead, and it won’t kill them to play on a level playing field when it comes to taxes. We all pay taxes, and the states have been getting killed by the loss in revenue from online sales, while Ebay sellers, Amazon, Newegg and Buds flourish in low rent warehouse districts. Guns are one of the few things we buy that are mostly made in America, but a good percentage of America’s GDP consists of selling crap made outside the US to each other. Sales tax, for the last five years or more, has been unfairly weighted on the not so internet savvy, and these are usually the elderly and less well off in our society. The time has come for this to change and for everyone to pay their fair share of state tax burden that is based in sale tax.
America could eliminate income tax and sales tax entirely and put tariffs on foreign goods, the same tariffs that those countries put on our goods. But that would be a real benefit to working class Americans, and the politicians certainly don’t want that. A level playing field for sales tax is a start, and it might help our state governments get out of bankruptcy, while bringing fairness in paying sales tax to all ages and classes of Americans. But it is time to level the whole playing field, and bring real jobs back to America for good. End the failed free trade agreements. Tax foreign made goods. Slash corporate regulation and fees, and let America go back to work.

Friday, April 19, 2013


On way to Concord Bridge to pay our respects and will be on Lexington Green by 11:30 am.

We are also waiting for call from court in Woburn, and will stop there to hear decision of judge on our request for an injunction against Town of Lexington stopping rally.

Hopefully the judge will see the absurdity of preventing a bunch of current serving and retired military and police from rallying on Lexington Green out of supposed concern for our safety.

We are big boys and can take care of ourselves.  We don't need "protection" from the town selectmen.  Especially when their idea of "protecting" is is to violate our rights,  silence us and stop us from peaceably assembling, under threat of arrest. 
We are not afraid of a couple of jihadists. If they show up, we'll kill or capture them.

But we all know that the selectmen care about our saftey about as much as Bull Connor cared about the safety of the civil rights marchers in Birmingham Alabama.  And they are using the same "safety" rationale to shut down free speech and assembly they don't like.

We hear that Lexington Green is swarming with police.

In contrast, this morning in nearby Concord their was a reenactment at Concord Bridge with a large crowd of on-lookers.  That was not canceled.  No one was arrested for their own good.

Apparently, only us veterans, cops, and current serving military get the benefit of public officials being so concerned for our safety that they will use force to keep us from risking ourselves on Lexington Green and will even put us in jail to make sure we are extra safe.   Big Brother truly loves us.  We are so blessed!
Whatever the judge decides to do, we intend on standing on Lexington Green and renewing our oaths just like the Massechusettes Militia did in 1798.   If the judge rules against us, we will do the Oath on Lexington Green and then go to West Springfield to hold the rest of our event.

Whatever the judge decides to do, we intend on standing on Lexington Green and renewing our oaths just like the Massechusettes Militia did in 1798.   If the judge rules against us, we will do the Oath on Lexington Green and then go to West Springfield to hold the rest of our event.

As for the manhunt for the jihadist on the run in nearby Watertown we hope he runs into us so we can end his spree.

It strikes us as perverse and absurd that the people in Watertown are being told to stay indoors and let the "professional protectors" handle it. That is exactly backwards from what a free people in a Republic are supposed to do.  In the Founders time, the hue and cry would have gone up, the people would have turned out en mass, muskets and hatchets in hand,  and hunted the bastard(s) down post-haste.

How could a jihadist on the run escape if everyone in the community is actively hunting for him?  They all know who lives in their neghborhood and who doesn't. They could all search their own houses and help search their neighbors' homes in short order and hunt him down.

But the message from the government is "there's a wolf on the loose!  So all you sheep must stay in your pens and barns and let us authorized professional sheperds and sheep dogs handle it.  Be afraid!  Don't try to stop the wolf.  We will search your pens one by one till we find him. Till then you can not come out of your pens, or we will punish you.". Disgusting.

How far we have fallen into slavery and servile dependence.   And how far from being a strong, free people in a free Republic.

We will email more info today and put updates on the website


Placing billboards outside of military bases to remind service members of their oath

Free music concerts for the troops, with direct outreach to them about their oath