“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” – Unknown
In the spirit of never letting a crisis go to waste, President Obama recently issued 23 new executive orders on the subject of gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. “Liberals have an uncanny knack for designing solutions that do not address the problem at hand,” noted David Limbaugh. And as William S. Burrough famously said, “After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”
Obama’s executive orders lay the groundwork for the next inevitable step toward that mythical utopian fantasy: a national registry system for all firearms (H.R. 34, H.R. 117). Gun registration, they argue, is necessary because we have to know what kind of unstable people might possess firearms and thus become the next Adam Lanza.
So let’s engage in a mental exercise and pretend the government has already passed an edict requiring all guns to be registered, no exceptions. Naturally this is done in the name of public safety – “for the children,” if you will.
OK, so now all guns are registered. Now what? What has that achieved? How would registration change anything? How would it make gun-free zones like schools any safer?
Answer: It won’t. Think about it. Gun registration contributes nothing toward a safer society. Nothing. There is no value in registration unless you intend to do something with it.
In his sobering 2003 essay, Robert A. Waters briefly relates the history of gun control in England and concludes with these eerie words: “When the Dunblane Inquiry ended [in 1997], citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities. Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law. The few who didn’t were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn’t comply. Police later bragged that they’d taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens. How did the authorities know who had handguns? The guns had been registered and licensed. Kinda like cars.” [Emphasis added.]
This, folks, is the inevitable path gun confiscation follows. Register guns, and confiscation is the logical next step. Ah – but confiscation will only happen among the law-abiding, because criminals will never register their firearms in the first place. So where does that leave moms trying to protect their children from intruders? Dead. Because make no mistake: home invasions and other violent crimes invariably skyrocket when firearms are removed from the hands of citizens.
Our federal government is setting up the framework for our total disarmament. Oh not right away, of course. There’s still too much opposition by people who know their history and their rights. But over the next 10 or 20 years, federally funded public schools will continue to brainwash children about the evils of gun ownership. These children will grow up ignorant of their heritage and will be taught to despise their parents and grandparents, who know precisely why the Second Amendment is so important. Within a generation or two, our nation will be as emasculated as England is now – a place where violent crime has gone through the roof, people are locked away for defending themselves from thugs and where even knives are being banned.
And then the door will be opened for the rest of our rights to be dismantled. It’s well-known and well-documented that gun control doesn’t control crime. Why, then, is the government eager to control guns if it knows crime will escalate as a result? Easy. The government doesn’t give a rip for crime control. It wants citizen control. Remember, once we lose the Second Amendment, the rest of the Bill of Rights is meaningless. We the People will have no means to protect it.
When the progressives cheer additional gun-control measures, such as limiting magazine size, they argue that no one needs magazines holding more than 10 rounds for home defense or for hunting. But that argument (right or wrong) totally and entirely misses the point of the Second Amendment. Do you honestly think deer hunting or home invasions were on the minds of the Founding Fathers when they composed the Second Amendment? Or perhaps – just perhaps – fresh from the hideous tyranny of George III, they wanted to make sure their infant nation would never face a similarly abusive government? These men knew that the people of America had a natural right to arm themselves with whatever powerful firearms were necessary to ensure a home-grown tyrant never arose on our soil.
Believe me, when the Department of Homeland Security buys up 1.5 billion rounds of hollow-point ammunition, citizens need something a little better than a steak knife for defense. If our government ever decides to move en masse against innocent citizens, it must know there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
Did you know that worldwide, the leading cause of unnatural human death is government? Democide is defined as “the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats” (emphasis added).
The only purpose of gun registration is to let the government know who has guns – so they can be taken away. Remember that. Gun confiscation is historically followed by democide against the disarmed; this is an undeniable historical fact.
I applaud the recent massive attendance of every gun show in the nation, which is putting millions of firearms into the hands of decent law-abiding people. It demonstrates that American citizens are intelligent enough to know that the government is taking advantage of a crisis to increase its tyrannical and unconstitutional powers.
Gun registration: It’s coming. Be warned. Be ready.