Sunday, March 17, 2013

White Guilt, The Government’s Attempt at Race Baiting.

The Vista program in Wisconsin has come up with a program that promotes white privilege or white guilt. Now I’m not a lot you and say that United States has had problems in the past with race, but saying that because I’m white I had some type of privilege in life because the color of my skin. The problem with white guilt is that is a punishment of the past. For myself I wasn’t born until in 1970’s, and my family wasn’t in the United States prior to 1861. I wasn’t responsible for Jim Crow laws that were enforced in southern states. If you want to blame somebody about Jim Crow laws, you have to blame the Southern Democrats at the time. I wasn’t responsible for Native Americans getting kicked off their land, smallpox, and a white attempt and genocide of the native population. Hispanics have been living in the United States since it was founded. Now to blame me for the actions of people in the past is not justified. I’ve always been a person that judges a person based on their character. For me, the race of a person was never really an issue. When I was in the military, which is multicultural, I had experiences with people of all races and creeds. When the bullets start started flying, who gave a crap about race.


I’m very sure that there are people of different races and creeds, which include people of same-sex relationships that believe the same way I do. Don’t care who you are as long as you’re a good person and try to help others, if and when you can. I consider you a person good moral. Just because I have differing political ideology doesn’t mean I’m a racist. It just means that I’m a person of strong convictions. You want to the angry about race; you should look towards the Democratic Party. Socialist Democrats use and manipulate minorities into doing things that they normally wouldn’t do. What really makes me angry is that the United States government, whether it is Democrat or Republican run, has social programs that promote genocide within our country. Take for example, Planned Parenthood, it was first developed by a socialist, Margaret Sanger, who believe in eugenics and that people of the darker races were inferior white people. Planned Parenthood is a vehicle used by Democrats to control the minority population of the United States. Since 1973, when the federal government under Richard Nixon started funding Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood has terminated 33 million minority fetuses. Democrats get angry when Republicans want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. The Democrats are really good at wordsmithing. What I mean by that is that they are able to manipulate a negative into a positive. There’s always been an argument between pro-life and pro-choice. The problem with Planned Parenthood is that they give women no other option but abortion. There are other choices out there Planned Parenthood doesn’t tell you those choices.


I used to be a Democrat and I voted for Obama in 2008 but I woke up. These new Socialist Democrats aren’t interested in promoting a healthy America; they are trying to kill the diversity that made America great. If it wasn’t for other races coming to this country in helping us build it. I don’t think America will be in a place that it was until 1988. America was an economic giant and whether you were black, white, Hispanic, Asian you were part of the development of the nation we once were.


The Socialist Democrats including the United States government is trying to race bait us into a racial war. United States government manipulated the occupy movement into a movement where communistic ideologies such as, the 99%, redistribution of wealth, communal living in many other programs. Now I know some people got rich on the backs of others but this is not necessarily true for all businessmen and women. America has been built on innovation of technologies and mass-producing them. So some people become rich because of an idea that they marketed as the money they earned.


The Democratic socialists are trying to divide our country, people and property. Don’t fall for their cryptic messages. Don’t play into their hand. Don’t believe that the government will always be there to help you. Because the way the government is spending money sooner or later we will run out and with that will end the subsidies, the government services, health services, emergency services, and the American way of life. Communists and socialists have taken over our country. They run the United States government. And what happens when government becomes communist or socialistic? They start killing people!

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