Showing posts with label Democratic Socialist party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democratic Socialist party. Show all posts

Sunday, March 17, 2013

White Guilt, The Government’s Attempt at Race Baiting.

The Vista program in Wisconsin has come up with a program that promotes white privilege or white guilt. Now I’m not a lot you and say that United States has had problems in the past with race, but saying that because I’m white I had some type of privilege in life because the color of my skin. The problem with white guilt is that is a punishment of the past. For myself I wasn’t born until in 1970’s, and my family wasn’t in the United States prior to 1861. I wasn’t responsible for Jim Crow laws that were enforced in southern states. If you want to blame somebody about Jim Crow laws, you have to blame the Southern Democrats at the time. I wasn’t responsible for Native Americans getting kicked off their land, smallpox, and a white attempt and genocide of the native population. Hispanics have been living in the United States since it was founded. Now to blame me for the actions of people in the past is not justified. I’ve always been a person that judges a person based on their character. For me, the race of a person was never really an issue. When I was in the military, which is multicultural, I had experiences with people of all races and creeds. When the bullets start started flying, who gave a crap about race.


I’m very sure that there are people of different races and creeds, which include people of same-sex relationships that believe the same way I do. Don’t care who you are as long as you’re a good person and try to help others, if and when you can. I consider you a person good moral. Just because I have differing political ideology doesn’t mean I’m a racist. It just means that I’m a person of strong convictions. You want to the angry about race; you should look towards the Democratic Party. Socialist Democrats use and manipulate minorities into doing things that they normally wouldn’t do. What really makes me angry is that the United States government, whether it is Democrat or Republican run, has social programs that promote genocide within our country. Take for example, Planned Parenthood, it was first developed by a socialist, Margaret Sanger, who believe in eugenics and that people of the darker races were inferior white people. Planned Parenthood is a vehicle used by Democrats to control the minority population of the United States. Since 1973, when the federal government under Richard Nixon started funding Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood has terminated 33 million minority fetuses. Democrats get angry when Republicans want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. The Democrats are really good at wordsmithing. What I mean by that is that they are able to manipulate a negative into a positive. There’s always been an argument between pro-life and pro-choice. The problem with Planned Parenthood is that they give women no other option but abortion. There are other choices out there Planned Parenthood doesn’t tell you those choices.


I used to be a Democrat and I voted for Obama in 2008 but I woke up. These new Socialist Democrats aren’t interested in promoting a healthy America; they are trying to kill the diversity that made America great. If it wasn’t for other races coming to this country in helping us build it. I don’t think America will be in a place that it was until 1988. America was an economic giant and whether you were black, white, Hispanic, Asian you were part of the development of the nation we once were.


The Socialist Democrats including the United States government is trying to race bait us into a racial war. United States government manipulated the occupy movement into a movement where communistic ideologies such as, the 99%, redistribution of wealth, communal living in many other programs. Now I know some people got rich on the backs of others but this is not necessarily true for all businessmen and women. America has been built on innovation of technologies and mass-producing them. So some people become rich because of an idea that they marketed as the money they earned.


The Democratic socialists are trying to divide our country, people and property. Don’t fall for their cryptic messages. Don’t play into their hand. Don’t believe that the government will always be there to help you. Because the way the government is spending money sooner or later we will run out and with that will end the subsidies, the government services, health services, emergency services, and the American way of life. Communists and socialists have taken over our country. They run the United States government. And what happens when government becomes communist or socialistic? They start killing people!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Excerpt from a Book I'm working on: The United States is a Nation Divided, but Can We as a People Come Back from this Division and Reunite?

The United States is divided men along many lines such as, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religious orientation, roles of government and income disparity. The Obama administration has done its best to divide is between these different issues. The question is not whether we are divided but whether or not we can come back together and fight a common enemy? I believe so, my reasons I think deep down in our hearts, we are all the same, we are Americans. As Americans, we all believe in the pursuit of happiness, truth and justice. The problem is that the Obama administration has stepped up the pressure on dividing the nation.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Okay I’m Really Getting Tired of the Southern Poverty Law Center calling the “Patriot Movement,” Terrorists and Hate Groups.

Remember this blog is only my personal opinion. I do have strong convictions and opinions. So this blog may not be for everyone.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a liberal, socialist, communist group of people, that for some reason have the Department of Justice and Homeland Security convinced that they know what they’re talking about. I’m here to say that, the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t know what they’re talking about. They are only interested in demonizing the people, actually fought for this country and died for the country. The patriot movement is not racist, a hate group and we are definitely not terrorists. The patriot movement is all about the U.S. Constitution and making sure the government follows it. The patriot movement is more of a watchdog or watch group. The Southern poverty Law Center would like to make you think that we discriminate against people race or color, but we know patriots come in all shapes and sizes and colors. The Southern poverty Law Center likes to connect the patriot movement with neo-Nazis and baby killers just because we don’t like what’s going on in the government. It’s this type of propaganda that the communist and socialist Democrats eat up. They also put us in lines with Tim McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, but anything they don’t know is that I actually knew Tim McVeigh and the Army. We were in Desert Storm together in the 1st Infantry Division. He was a quiet unassuming kind of person. He never talked about malicious offer anything like that while I was around, there also has been some evidence that he was a CIA plant to do the Oklahoma City bombing and blame the militia movements of the time and also demonized the militia and veterans. The government, particularly the FBI and the ATF said that he did it on the anniversary of Waco, where the FBI and ATF burned women and children to death. Because they were a cult and they were demonized as such.


The exponential growth of the usurpation of executive power in the United States has gone unchecked since 1992. Pres. Ronald Reagan warned American citizens on television about the communist threat and we thought we defeated them. But based on new evidence, the USSR went into a dormant state, by which I mean a non-aggressive state, and now they have reawakened. A lot of people forget that Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Pres. John F. Kennedy, was a communist. Now I know that there are some people out there that think there’s a big conspiracy behind on John F. Kennedy’s assassination, but just going by the official story. It is quite amazing how long the communists of been infiltrating the American Society. There are many indications that the communist infiltration started after the communist revolution in Russia. I don’t think this is true, it started long before that. People probably don’t remember Pres. Woodrow Wilson, the man that invented the Federal Reserve, the United States central bank, and that forgotten relic, the League of Nations, which was the first UN but it failed because a lot of countries, like England and France did not want to give up their sovereignty. So the promotion of a one world government has been long-standing. I feel that the one world government is a tool of the world’s elite, the top 0.05%, to control people and the economy with a one world currency. With one world currency markets don’t dictate the price of things the one world government does through price-fixing. Price-fixing is something that the communist did in Russia to try to keep prices artificially low. As one of the major reasons why communist Russia ended up going bankrupt is because without a growing economy a nation cannot sustain itself for future generations.


The United States has been infiltrated by communist and socialist Democrats, anyone who believes in inalienable rights or rights at all and don’t worship at the feet of Pres. Obama means that you are terrorists in the eyes of the communist and socialist Democrats. I remember during the 2012 elections that they were interviewing people at the DNC, democratic national convention, and a lot of people at the DNC when they heard Republican, gun owners, Christian and Southern, they were spitting venom. If they heard NRA, Gun owners Association of America or anything that had to do with guns. These Democrats said very unsavory things like, racist, uneducated, unsophisticated and some other things that were kind of insulting. The problem is that I think a lot of people have lost touch with which they really are, an American. The reason why they can say these things on TV is because of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the people are forgetting about the Constitution.


The Southern poverty Law Center can say whatever he wants, but once their speech becomes hateful of patriots, isn’t that “hate speech.” I think communists and socialists are most racist people out there. Why? Just a recent example of how the media has portrayed patriots, when Alex Jones went on that Piers Morgan show. He showed a lot of frustration and excitement. He didn’t get bullied by Piers Morgan. Alex Jones stood up to him and made him cower in the corner. That’s how you deal with these bully communists and socialist Democrats. Once you confront them that usually stand-down because they are cowards. The media tried to spin this incident and make Alex Jones out to be a madman. But the more they played it on the air the more relevance they gave to the issue. So that kind of backfired on them and makes me so happy. I’ll Jones is been a long time patriot. Even though some people think he’s a shill I don’t believe so. The Communist news network, which is if you didn’t know CNN, talk about how they were going to shoot Alex Jones and Carolyn with the gun joking about Pierce Morgan where his brother’s uniform in all this crap. It turned out looking more stupid than anything.  I have to say something about the Southern poverty Law Center and its “hate speech” against people who believe in the Constitution, liberty, freedom and the Bill of Rights.


It has been an honor to get this off my chest. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Later I’ll be getting my opinion on Feinstein and her hatred of people that were in the military, are in the military and her overall promotion of the communist state. See you later.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The new enemies of the state and the US government, constitutionalists, gunowners, anti-Muslim

Made this video to put out a warning to all Americans who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Because you and I are enemies of the state. The United States is gone. AmeriKa is born. We live in a police state even though some may not have to have gone through checkpoints, unconstitutional searches and seizures. The government has already put into action their anti-gun agenda, socialist and communist agendas. If you think this is not true, then look up the National Defense authorization act of 2012 and 2013, the executive order of Pres. Obama called the national resources Defense preparedness. You also need to look at the bills that are in Congress and the Senate about gun control legislation. That can be looked up that and if you sign up for on their email list they will send you a list of all the legislation that is going to be brought forth in the coming week. Anyone who owns a gun that is semiautomatic, as more than one military characteristic, handguns semiautomatic all these will be outlawed by July or August of this year 2013. You enemies of the state also have to pay attention to what your state legislature is doing right now. State legislatures and governors are proposing anti-gun bills all over the country. Get informed, wake the hell up and pay attention or you will die.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

UN Agenda 21 – Fact or Fiction

This content provided courtesy of Politics are Personal. Contact the author at PoliticsArePersonal (AT) Gmail (DOT) Com For over a year, I have been reading about the U.N. Agenda 21 initiative that several Presidents have signed, It is a Treaty of sorts, so, in order for it to have authority on United States soil, it has to be ratified by the Congress. That has not happened yet, but the widespread reach of the original initiative continues around the world. The one thing I want you, as a taxpayer, to understand first is that you and I are paying the bulk of all costs in the perpetuation of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan which reaches into every aspect of your daily life; health, food, safety and individual property rights.

UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.     INVENTORY AND CONTROL.

Sustainable Development was created and defined by the United Nations in 1987, and the action plan to implement it was signed onto in 1992 by GHW Bush and 178 other nations.  It was called Agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century.  Considered unsustainable under this plan: middle class lifestyle, single family homes, private vehicles, meat eating, air conditioning, appliances, dams, tillage.  
UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is an action plan that is used to inventory and control all resources (land, minerals, water), all animals, all means of production, all information, and all human beings  in the world.  

Clinton began to implement it in the US in 1993 by giving the American Planning Association a multi-million dollar grant to write a land use legislative blueprint for every municipality in the US.  It is called Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook with Model Statutes for Planning and the Management of Change.  This was completed in 2002 and is being used to train planners in every university, college and government planning office in the nation.  Growing Smart is Smart Growth.

In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners.  It is assumed that people are not good stewards of their land and the government will do a better job if they are in control.  Individual rights in general are to give way to the needs of communities as determined by the governing body.  Moreover, people should be rounded up off the land and packed into human settlements, or islands of human habitation, close to employment centers and transportation.  Another program, called the Wildlands Project spells out how most of the land is to be set aside for non-humans.
U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected.  It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.  Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world.  Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.

This ideology is being used as the justification to radically change every city in the United States and to impose regulations dictated by non-elected regional boards and commissions.  This dramatic revolution in private property rights extends to every facet of our lives:  our own bodies are our most vital private property.  We are being told that this is OUR PLAN but it is not.

 If you're paying attention and reading intelligently.  Articles about redevelopment projects, bicycle boulevards, neighborhood summits, neighborhood elections, neighborhood revitalization projects, neighborhood stabilization projects, visioning, local boards, smart growth projects, low-income housing subsidies, transportation grants, green building retrofit programs, well monitoring, SMART electric and gas meters, and the people who object to them come out every day.  Connect with those people.  Tell them about UN Agenda 21.  Be a bridge.   

 ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is an international association of 12 mega-cities, 100 super-cities and urban regions, 450 large cities as well as 450 small and medium-sized cities and towns in 84 countries.  There's an election coming up.  Go to the forums.  Ask:  'What is your position on UN Agenda 21?'  Hold up a sign.  Find out if your town or county is a member of ICLEI.  Ask: 'What is your position on ICLEI?  Will you commit to KICK ICLEI out of our community
You can read more at Yep, Dems against the plan!! When you hear "Agenda 21" know that it is not a fiction. The plan was created in the UN and has pored into thousands of think tanks around the world; even into your own Lorain County. You and I are footing the bill via grant monies from every agency in our government. Each one, the Department of Education, the EPA, the Agriculture Department, Homeland Security and all the others, have a series of directives that support the expansion of the United Nation's global plan.

If you don't think you are over taxed and under represented; start asking your representative (and I really use that term lightly) about why you pay a special assessment on your real estate bill for rain water, Agenda 21, sustainable living, smart climate, smart growth, redistribution of wealth or social justice; which is the corner stone for the plan. 

This content provided courtesy of Politics are Personal. Contact the author at PoliticsArePersonal (AT) Gmail (DOT) Com

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Democratic Socialists Infiltrate the 111th Congress 2009

This Document also includes the philosophy of the Democratic Socialist Party in the United States.  Their globalist agenda and redistribution of wealth from the wealth counties of the world to the poorer countries.  Their felling on "free speech" as long this is no dissent.

This is an informative document a must read for any patriot.  I'm learning a lot from this.