Friday, April 5, 2013

Connecticut: Governor Malloy and Connecticut General Assembly Approve an Irresponsible and Dangerous Measure that will Victimize Responsible Gun Owners

Today, Governor Dan Malloy (D) disregarded the constitutional rights of the residents in Connecticut and signed Senate Bill 1160 into law, the most sweeping and radical “gun control” bill in our nation’s history. This measure was approved in the state Senate by a 26-10 vote and in the state House by a 105-44 voteonly hours after both chambers received the bill language.

Governor Malloy and his “Gang of Six”—Senate President Pro Tempore Donald Williams, Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, Speaker Brendan Sharkey, House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz, and House Minority Leader Larry Cafero—led the charge to hastily enact legislation that will forever change your Second Amendment rights and sporting heritage in Connecticut.

Labeled an “Emergency Certification Bill,” SB 1160 was approved by both legislative chamberswithout a public hearing or allowing adequate time for committee review. So the foundation of the democratic process was effectively eliminated, even state legislators were not permitted enough time to become fully versed on the bill language before voting on it. The anti-gun elite did the same thing in New York in January and are only now finding and admitting their mistakes, problems and "unintended consequences."

In less than 24 hours, a bill was passed by both legislative chambers and signed into law by the Governor. Regardless of one's views on gun control issues, the general public should be outraged at politicians enacting laws in this manner. Important policy should not be decided like this in America and especially in a state nicknamed the "Constitution State."

If your state legislators voted for Senate Bill 1160, please call and e-mail them and let them know how utterly disappointed you are in their irresponsible vote for such an extremist measure. Ask them why they voted for a measure without allowing time for public input and review. If your state legislator(s) voted against the measure, please thank them. Click here to view contact information for your state legislators.

Your NRA is fully committed to our members and all responsible gun owners in Connecticut, and is preparing appropriate legal action to address the enactment of this legislation. Furthermore, we are deeply committed to holding every state legislator -- who voted for this blatantly unconstitutional measure in the darkness of night -- accountable in the 2014 election. We are analyzing all ramifications of this act and will be communicating that information to our members soon.

The most tragic aspect of this situation is not the destruction of your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but that certain legislators radically impacted your lives without initiating ANY proposal to keep you safe from the criminal access to or misuse of firearms. This new gun control law is not going to stop a future act of violence by a street criminal, gang member or madman who misuses a firearm.
In addition to contacting your state legislators if they voted for SB 1160, please contact the “Gang of Six” let them know your disgust with their backroom deal-making that betrayed the rights of responsible gun owners and tell them you will not forget.

Senate President Pro Tempore Don Williams
Aide: 860-240-8634

Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney
Aide: 860-240-0375

Senate Minority John McKinney
Aide: 860-240-8846
Office: 860-240-8813

Speaker Brendan Sharkey
Aide: 860-240-8577

House Majority Leader Joe Aresimowicz
Aide: 860-240-8581

House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero
Aide: 860-240-0028
Office: 860-240-8708

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Killer Cops: The Judge Dredd Syndrome of Being Judge, Jury, and Executioner!

Recently there has been a trend among police officers in major metropolitan areas and that trend is killing people. When I was a kid in the late 1970s, the police officer in your area was your best friend. He helps you when you needed help and it seemed like he was always there when you needed him. He will come to your local baseball games, football games, and high school events. The one thing he was he was always there. This is when serve and protect meant something. The police officer had to read you your Miranda rights have sufficient evidence to arrest you and they for sure what not shoot first and ask questions later.

Less lethal doesn’t mean they can’t kill you. Tasers have been around for a while and the police officers have to be instructed on how to use them. I know if the situation was different later a person was driving down methamphetamines or drugged out, it would take more than just one Taser bring somebody. But I seen a recent trend in police officer’s behavior, it has changed from “to protect and serve” to “arrest and imprison.” I know a lot of people read this blog but this is just my opinion. Police officers are trained to deal with people with psychological disorders, if they run into a person with a psychological disorder they usually just tase them or if they have weapon just shoot them. Police officers even when they go after a suspect as in the case of Christopher Dorner, police officers with see a suspect vehicle and tried to stop them; if they didn’t stop the police officer would shoot. This happened on two occasions when the police officers saw a suspect in vehicle without going through procedure and just shooting the occupants of the vehicles. I have heard of another case, where the police had a suspect in custody, by that I mean that a suspect with handcuffed in the back of a police car. The police officer who shot this man said he had a gun, but they could not find one in the area. The suspect was shot dead and no retaliation of substance against the police officer was taken by the city’s administration. I feel the reason for a police officer’s total disregard of public safety and situational awareness is grounds for dismissal, but the police officers union doesn’t see it that way. As long as a police officer is saying that he is in fear of his life, the shooting was justified.

Police unions are not helping the situation when it comes to excessive force. Now a citizen’s definition of excessive force or when the times that legal force is needed from a police officer. First let’s look at the police officers equipment: bulletproof vest, usually 9 mm handgun semiautomatic with a 14 round clip at least, 2 to 3 extra 14 round clips, hand cuffs, Taser with a couple recharges, mag-light, baton, and the rest of the police officers on the shift. Oh I forgot to mention the police car with an AR 15 in the back trunk with full automatic with several 30 round clips in the trunk. Now if I was a police officer, I think that would be enough armament and body armor to feel somewhat safe. There also are procedural things a police officer can do to maintain the safety. The Metropolitan Police Departments recruit a different breed of police officer today. I heard of police officers taking steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Police officers are angry, hateful, and downright despicable. This is the reason why people are so afraid of the police today. They act like; they are Judge, jury, and executioner. I call this a psychological disorder called the “Judge Dredd syndrome.” Now I’m not a psychologist but I think that if you could have a psychological disorder for believing in the Constitution and liberty, which is a political stance on psychology, a soft science, then I can say the same about police officers, the TSA, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and any other government enforcement agency.

I’m angry at the simple fact that the Constitution is continuously violated by the same people that are supposed to uphold it. I’m not saying all police officers suffer with this psychological disorder, Judge Dredd syndrome or JDS. Law enforcement officers in small towns and communities, a lot of County Sheriff’s are standing up against those that want to oppress us so stand up with them.

Connecticut: Governor’s Commission Releases Onerous Anti-Gun Proposal

Today the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, established by Governor Dan Malloy (D) to develop “meaningful” proposals regarding public safety and mental health, released areport that offers their interim recommendations for legislative and policy changes.  Given the report released today, it is clear that the true goal of this commission is to impose onerous gun control regulations on law-abiding gun owners in Connecticut.

The section of the report entitled “Firearms and Ammunition” will do nothing to reduce crime, and will severely infringe upon the rights of all law-abiding citizens.  This proposal would be incredibly costly and time consuming for gun owners, discriminate against hunters and sportsmen, and severely infringe upon your inherent right to self-defense and your ability to protect your loved ones.

The misguided proposal suggests the following changes to Connecticut’s current gun laws:

·         Criminalize the private transfer of a firearm
·         Require registration of all firearms
·         Require more frequent permit renewals and burdensome training   requirements
·         Ban magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds
·         Ban ammunition commonly used for hunting and self-defense
·         Prohibit the purchase of ammunition unless it is being purchased for a registered firearm
·         Prohibit online ammunition purchases
·         Impose restrictions on the amount of ammunition that may be purchased
·         Prohibit the sale, possession and transfer of all firearms capable of firing more than ten rounds without reloading, including handguns.This proposal could effectively ban the sale, transfer, and possession of most magazine fed semi-automatic handgun, rifles and shotguns made today.

None of these recommendations would have prevented the tragedy in Newtown where the firearms were legally purchased by their owner after passing a background check and subsequently stolen.  The perpetrator of this heinous crime carried those firearms concealed without a permit in violation of CT law, violated the federal "gun-free school zone" and committed multiple counts of murder of innocent children and adults. 
These proposals put forward by the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission will only serve to burden and disenfranchise law-abiding gun owners.  Moving forward, we encourage this commission, state legislators and Governor Malloy to focus on real solutions to the current problems we face in Connecticut, including school security and improving the broken mental health system.
Please call AND e-mail your state legislators and respectfully express your  
opposition to these recommendations by clicking here:

Also, please contact Governor Malloy and respectfully express your opposition to these radical gun control proposals.