Monday, January 7, 2013

Alex Jones was a little unstable on Peirs Morgan Tonight on CNN

I hate to say it but I think that Alex Jones looked and sounded very unstable on Peirs Morgan show. Not only did Alex dominated conversation but Peirs couldn't get a word in edgewise. Alex was  showing his frustration with the government overreach being maintained by the TSA might have may have a little excitable. He was detained by TSA at Austin airport for not taking off his shoes. Sometimes I think Alex feels the weight of the world on his shouldersespecially with the freedoms that Americans have lost their last 16 years. I know I probably lost it if I was on CNN (Communist news network)with the government's mouth piece, Piers Morgan. Chris Morgan doesn't seem to understand what an American is and I feel that Alex even though well intended got a little bit too excited and showed gunowners in a bad light. Because after Alex left the show, Piers brought on that lawyer That always has his back and is totally anti-gun any criticize Alex Jones and said he was like every other gun owner. Anti-gun activists feel that gunowners are unstable and we have no right to own a gun. We have soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq that are 18 years old being responsible with a firearm. The let of performance of a frustrated Texan, who has been dealing with is a  tyrannical government for the last 16 years, make you think all gun owners are the same. I know a lot of gun owners own semiautomatic weapons in actuality most modern weapons are semiautomatic weapons. That includes semiautomatic handguns and semiautomatic rifles the problem is that in our final band just one gun and AR-15( semiautomatic)/M-4( automatic assault rifle). The problem is that people don't know to veterans between eight automatic assault rifle and a semi automatic weapon. Let me explain it to you the definition of a semiautomatic rifle one pull of the trigger equals one bullet. The automatic assault rifle one pull of the trigger multiple bullets. Now according to title II of gun control act of 1968 automatic assault rifles are not available for the public to purchase their illegal or prohibited. In order by semiautomatic rifle in the state of Connecticut you have to pass a background check of 14 Day Waiting period, Unless you concealed weapons permit or have passed a fire arms Hunter safety course.

I think gun laws should be left up to states because states with large Urban areas may have different gun laws then that say a state that has large rural areas. Sandy Hook massacre may have been done with a semiautomatic AR--15 and semiautomatic handguns. Mass shootings are a rare thing I think a total of 300 people have been killed since Pres. Obama has taken office. The thing is in recent years it seems like we've been having more more shootings and nobody wants to say what is on everybody's mind. Alex did make a good point about the pharmaceutical companies and doctors and psychiatrists putting these lone gunman on medications that have suicidal thoughts and homicidal thoughts as a side effect. So it is not the gun that massacred the people in Colorado, Connecticut, Louisiana anywhere else there's been a mass shooting lately. They're always conflicting reports surrounding these mass shootings but there's more than one shooter are not older people were killed parents not being allowed to see their children things like that but no everybody is wondering what gun was used a semiautomatic. The problem is that semiautomatic rifles there is actually only maybe 350 deaths in year, due to some type of rifle or not. The FBI doesn't keep statistics on what rifle was used, they just keep statistics on that a rifle was used.

So in closing I do know why Alex was so frustrated he knew that Pierce Morgan likes dominate a conversation from the start but Alex jumped the gun a little bit. By going on the attack, and trying to protect himself but did his best intentions were turned on him after interview was over. I am going to start calling Alex Jones the "Texas bulldog"because once he gets only he's not going to go into a Kicked off of the show. Just remember Alex JonesI have nothing but love for it and respect for you and you are a true patriot even though sometimes you get really excited. Anyway What are you doing on a show that  has less ratings in your.

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